CARBOTTE, Jules Pierre, Physics Dept., McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1
CARDINAL, Claude U., Direction de 1'Environneoent, Hydro-Qu£bec, PI. Dupuis, 17® Etage, 855 E. Ste-Catharlna,
Montreal, Qu*bec, H2L 4P5 uwr
CARETTE, Jean Denis, D£pt. de Physique, Fac. Sciences A C£nie, Universitć Laval, Qu6bec, QuAbec, GIK 7P4 (J) DAMP
CARLONE, CosTno, D£pt. de Physique, Universit6 de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qu£bec, J1K 2R1 DAMP, DCMP
CARMAN, P. Douglas, 1332 Snowdon, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 7P4 DOP
CARMICHAEL, Charles M., Geophyslcs Dept., University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 3K7 CGU
CARMICHAEL, Hugh, 9 Beach Ave., Deep River, Ontario, KOJ IPO
CAROLAN, James F., Physics Dept., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 DCMP
CARON, Laurent G., Dept. de Physique, Universit£ de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qu€bec, J1K 2R1 DCMP
CARRINGTON, Tucker, Dept. of Chemistry, York University, Downsview, Ontario, M3J 1P3 (J) DAMP
CARSWELL, Allan I., Dept. of Physics, York University, Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3 DASP, DAMP, DOP
CARTER, Alfred L. 224 Powell Avenue, OTTAWA, Ontario, K1S 2A5 DOP, PPD
CASTEL, B., Physics Dept., Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6 DNP, DTP
CAVE, Harold M., Dept. of Physics, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6
CAVEN, Roger J., 28 Bałaby Crescent, Don Mills, Ontario, M3C 3B7 CGU
CAVENDISH, Catherine, *306 827 18th Ave. S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2T 0G9
CERVENAN, Martin R., Dept. of Elect. Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1 (J)
CHADDOCK, Phillip W., 110 Queensbay, Thompson, Manitoba, R8N 1W1
CHALLICE, Cyril E. , Dept. of Physics, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4 DMBP
CHAMBERS, John G., 28 Pentland Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario, K2K 1VS
CHAMPNESS, C.H., 135 Prince Rupert Drive, Point Claire, Qu6bec, H9R 1M1
CHANDRA, Subhash, Physics Department, Unlversity of Newcastle, N.S.W. 2308, Australia
CHANDRAIAH, G., Physics Dept., Memoriał University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, A1C 5S7 DAMP
CHAN, Edmond, 410 Castle Grove Blvd., London, Ontario, N6G 1K6
CHAPADOS, Camille, Dćpt. de chimie-biologle, Universite du Qu6bec, Trois-Rivieres, Qu6bec, C9A 5H7 (J)
CHAPMAN, George Davld, Dlvlslon of Physics, N.R.C., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0R6 DOP
CHAPMAN, Glenn, 155 Market St., Apt. 708, Hamilton, Ontario, L8R 3H5 DCMP
CHAPMAN, J.H., Dept. of Comnunications, Journal Bldg., 300 Slater St., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0C8 CHAPMAN, Marian H., 1368 Morley Boul., Ottawa, Ontario, K2C 1R5 CHAPMAN, Norman Ross, D R E P, F M 0 Dockyard, Victoria, B.C., V0S 1B0
CHAPPELL, John C., Room 101, Physics Department, Universlty of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7 (A) DPE
CHARLEBOIS, Pierre, 11405, Suzor-C6t6, Montreal, Qu6bec, H3M 2N5 (J)
CHARLESWORTH, Phyllls B., 937 Muskoka Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K2A 3J1 (A)
CHARLTON, D.E., Physics Dept., Sir George Williams Campus, Concordia University, MontrEal, Qu6bec, H3C 1M8 DMBP
CHATFIELD, W.H., 17 Birchview Rd., Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 3C3 (A)
CHATTERJEE, Ramananda, Physics Department, The Unlverslty of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4 DAMP
CHEE, Kim T., c/o Dept. de Physique-Maths, Universitć de Moncton, Moncton, N.-B., E1A 3E9
CHEEKE, David, Dept. de Physique, Universit£ de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1K 2R1 DCMP
CHEN, Fan Shih, Radiotherapy Dept., Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, N.S., B3H 2Y9 CHEN, Reuven, Physics Department, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
CHENERY, Stafford G., Cllnlcal Physlcist, The Ontario Cancer Inst., 500 Sherbourne St., Toronto, Ont., M4X 1K9 DMBP
CHEUNG, Cheuk Yin, DSpt. de Physlque, CMR Saint-Jean, Saint-Jean, Qu6bec, J0J 1R0 DCMP, DTP
CHIARUCCI, Giorgio, 4650 Miquelon, St-Leonard, Qu6bec, H1R 1S4 (A)
CHIN, See L., D£pt. de Physique, Universite Laval, Qu£bec, Qu$bec, GIK 7P4
CHISHOLM, D.A., Bell Northern Res., P.O. Box 3511, Station "C", Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 4H7
CHIU, James C.H. , Dept. Physics A Astronomy, Brandon Unlversity, Brandon, Manitoba, R7A 6A9 DCMP
CHIU, Kin-Chung Ray, Dept. of Physics, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 3K7 DAMP
CHO, Chung Won, Dept. of Physics, Memoriał Universlty of Newfoundland, St. John's, Nfld., AlB 3X7 DAMP
CHO, Han-Ru, Physics Dept., Unlversity of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7 CHOH, Sung Ho, Physics Dept., Korea University, Seoul,Korea CHOO, Fah-Chap, 38 Biscay Road, London, Ontario, N6H 3K9
CHURCHLAND, Mark T., MacMillan Bloedel Res., 3350 East Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., V5M 2A3
CIELO, Paolo, D.R.E.A., 9 Croove, Dartmouth, Nova Scotla, B2Y 3Y1 DOP
CLAIRMONT, Clyde, 233 Cedar St. N., Timmins, Ontario, P4N 6J5 (J)
CLARK, John F., Earth Physics Branch, Dept. Energy Mines A Resources, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0E4 (A) CCU
CLARK, T. Alan, Physics Dept., University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4 DASP
CLARKE, Ernest M., St. Francis Xavler University, Antlgonlsh, N.S., B2G ICO DAMP
CLARKE, Hector C., 21 Trottlng Wav, Ottawa, Ontario, K2M 1D2 DMBP
CLARKE, łan M., 120 Ennls Avenue, St. John's, Newfoundland, A1A 1Z2 (S)
CLARKE, James N., Dept. of Astronomy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7
CLARKE, Robert L., 1279 Lampman Cr., Ottawa, Ontario, K2C 1P9 DMBP, DNP
CLARKE, W.B., Physics Dept., McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4Ml
CLAYMAN, Bruce Philip, Physics Department, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6
CLEMENTS, R.M. , Physics Dept., University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., V8w 2Y2 DPP
CLIFFORD, Charles E., 65 Grandvlew, Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 8B7 DMBP
CLIMENHAGA, J.L., Physics Dept., University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., V8W 2Y2 CLOSE, John S., P.O. Box 38, Western Christian College, N. Weyburn, Saskatchewan, S0C 1X0 (J)
CLOUTER, Maynard J., Dept. of Physics, Memoriał University, St. John's, Newfoundland, A1C 5S7 DAMP
CLOUTIER, Gilles G. , Alberta Research Councll, 11315-87 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 2C2 DPP
CLOUTIER, Roland, Coli. St-Boniface, 200 Ave. CathMrale, St-Boniface, Manitoba, R2H 0H7 DMBP
CLOVER, Edward Bruce, 322 Brock St., Apt. 1205, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 1S9 (S)
COCHRAN, J.F., Physics Department, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., V5A 1S6 DCMP
COCHRANE Jr., Robert Wm. , Physics Dept., Eaton Electronics Res. Lab., McGlll University, Montreal, Qu$., H3C 3G1 DCMP
CODĘ, R. Fraser, Physics Dept., Erlndale College, R.4039, University of Toronto, Mlsslssauga, Ont., L5L 1C6 DAMP, DCMP, DOP COCGER, Leroy L., Physics Dept., Unlverslty of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4 DASP
COHEN, Elizabeth, 55 Montclair Ave., Apt. 405, Toronto, Ontario, M5P 1P6
COHEN, Montague, Radlologlcal Physics Sectlon, Radiotherapy Dept., Montreal Gen. Hosp., Montreal, Qu6., H3G 1A4 DMBP, DPE COISH, H.R., 515 Montrose Street, Winnlpeg, Manitoba, R3M 3M3 DTP
COLLETT, Leonard S., Ceological Survey of Canada, Dept. Energy Mines A Resources, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ont., KIA 0E8 CGU
COLLINS, Malcolm F., Physics Dept., McMaster Unlverslty, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1 DCMP
CONE, A.A. Vancouver City College, Langara, Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 2Z6
CONKIE, William R., Physics Dept., Queen's Unlversity, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6 DTP
CONNOR, Robert D., Dean of Science, University of Manitoba, Winnlpeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2
CONRADI, Jan, Bell Northern Research, P.O. 8ox 3511, Station "C", Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 4C1 DCMP
C0NSITT, Frederick J., 333 Scott Street, Midland, Ontario, L4R 2M9 DOP
CONTOGOURIS, A.P., Dept. of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, Qu6bec, H3C 3C1 PPD
COOPER, Alex, 2348 Dorothea Ct., Mlsslssauga, Ontario, L5B 2B7
C0RDES, John G., Physics Dept. Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., B3H 3J5 DTP
COREY, John S., 335 Amherst Drive, Apt. 307, Amherstvlew, Ontario, K7N 1S9