NAGI, A.D.S., Dept. of Physics, Universlty of Waterloo, Watcrloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 DCMP, DTP
NAHMIAS, Claude, Nuclear Medicine, McMaster Unlverslty Medical Ctr., 1200 Main St. W., Hamilton, Ont., L8S 1J9 NAKANO, Koulchi, Dept. of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 DTP
NANASSY, A.J., 2154 Haig Drive, Ottawa. Ontario, K1C 2L2
NEAL, Jack L., Blophyslcs Dept., Montreal Children's Hospltal, 2300 Tupper St., Montreal, Qu6bec, H3H 1P3 (J)
NEILSON, Ceorge C., Physics Dept., Uniwersity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1 DNP
NEUFELD, C. Richard, I.R.E.Q., Varenncs, Qu6bec, JOL 2P0 DPP
NEVILLE, Robert A., 31 Harlowe Cr., Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 5N9
NEWBOUND, Kenneth B., 8910 Windsor Road, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2A2 DAMP
NEWITT, L.R., Earth Physics Br., E.M.R., 1 Observatory Cr., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0Y3 CGU
NEWTON, Theodore D., Dept. of Mathematics, University of Cuelph, Guelph, Ontario, NIC 2W1
NC, Andrew, Dept. of Electrlcal Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1 DPP
NG, Chi Wai, c/o Dept. of Physics, V.P.I. & S.U., Blacksburg, VA 24061 U.S.A. (S)
NCUYEN, Duc Long, CREN-Inst. National dc Recherche Scientłfique, Unlv. du Quebec, C.P. 1020, Varennes, Que., JOL 2P0 DOP, DPP NICHOLLS, Ralph W., Physics Dept., York University, Downsview, Ontario, M3J 1P3 DASP, DAMP
NICKERSON, S. Bruce, MPB Tech. Inc., P.0. Box 160, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Qu6bec, H9X 3L5 DTP
NIEBOJ, Han9-Peter, 6 Stouffer Place 7, Lawrence, Kansas, 66044, U.S.A.
NILS0N, John A., 1778 Gilbert Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K2C 1A4 DOP, DPP
N0AILLES, Claud B., Kent Ing Earth Sciences Ltd., 380 Hunt Club Rd., Ottawa, Ontario, K1C 3N3 CGU
NOBES, David C., 89 Charles St. W., Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1K6
NOBLE, William J., Professor of Physics, Mount Alllson Universlty, Sackvllle, N.B., E0A 3C0
N0DWELL, R.A., Physics Dept., Unlverslty of British Columbia, Vancouvcr, B.C., V6T 1W5 DOP, DPP
NOGAMI, Y., Physics Dept., McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1 PPD, DTP
NORMANDIN, Richard, Uniwersity of Toronto, Erlndale College, Misslssauga, Ontario, L5L 1C6 DOP
NOVAK, Jaroslav Peter, 5375 Walkley Ave., Apt.106, MontrŹal, QuŹbec, H4V 2M6 DPP
NOVAKOVIC, Lubań, 3032-56 St. N.E., Calgary, Alberta, T1Y 2E8 (J)
NYLAND, Edo, c/o Inst. Earth Planetary Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 2C3 CGU
0'BRIEN, Peter F., Calgary Cancer Clinlc, 2104 2nd St. S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2S 1S5 0'CONNELL, Michacl D., 4 Decrfield Dr., Apt. 217, Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 3R6 O*CONNOR, David, P.0. Box 69, Cumberland, Ontario, KOA ISO (S)
0’DONELL, Patrick J., Physics Dept., University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7
0'DONNELL, Brian B., Res. & Dev. Div., New Mexlco Inst. of Mining & Technology, Socorro, N.M., 87801, U.S.A. 0’FARRELL, Sylvester, 73 Fifth Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 2M3 (J)
0'NEIL, Robert A., 174 Prentlss Ave., Aylmer Qu6bec, J9H 5V9
0’NEILL, James A., Dept. of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E1 OFFENBERGER, Allan A., Dept. of Elec. Engineering, Universlty of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 2G7 OGATA, Hlsashl, Physics Dept., University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4
OGRAM, Geoffrey L., Physics Dept., Petrie Bldg., York Unlversity, 4700 Keele St., Downsvlew, Ontario, M3J 1P3
OGUNADE, Samuel 0., Physics Dept., Universlty of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
OH, Saewoong, Dept. of Physics, University of Manltoba, Winnipeg, Manltoba, R3T 2N2
OKA, Takeshi, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, N.R.C., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0R6
OKAZAKI, A., Box 829, 54 Beach Ave., Deep River, Ontario, KOJ 1P0
OLDE, Garth, Medical Center, Universlty of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 40506, U.S.A.
OLIN, Arthur, Physics Dept., Unlversity of Victoria, Vlctoria, B.C., V8W 2Y2 OLIVER, Brian M., Atomics International, 8900 de Soto, Canoga Park, CA 91306, U.S.A.
0LIV0, Miguel Angel, Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research, 5234 Villigen, Swltzerland OLLERHEAD, Robin W., Physics Dept., University of Guelph, Cuelph, Ontario, NIC 2W1 0PECH0WSK1, W., Physics Dept., Uniwersity of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 ORMROD, John H., AECL, Chalk River, Ontario, KOJ 1J0 OSBORNE, Freleigh J., 207 Stonhengc Rd., Beaconsfield, Qu6bec, H9W 3X8
OSBORNE, Richard V., Biology & Health Physics Div., AECL, Chalk River Nuclear Labs, Chalk River, Ont., OSTERRIED, James, Box 347 College West, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4S 0A2 (S) 0VERT0N, Thomas, 10-102, Cllnlcal Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 2G3 (A) OZIER, Irving, Physics Dept., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 OZYMOK, Glen Russell, 99 Foxweil St., Toronto, Ontario, M6N 1Y9 (S)
PAAPE, David A., 364 Herkimer St., Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 2J1
PACHNER, Jarosław, Dept. of Physics 4 Astronomy, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4S 0A2 PACE, John Hllton, Dept. of Physics, Stirling Hall, Queen's Univer9ity, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6 PAI, S.T., 1576 McClure Dr., London, Ontario, N6G 2L2
PAK, Sejln, Physics Department, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7
PAL, Shiv-RaJ, Physics Dept., CRESS, Petrie Bldg., York Uniyersity, Downsview, Ontario, M3J 1P3 PALAZZO, Joseph, 5832 Pascal, Montr6al-Nord, Qu6bec, HIC 1S8
PALFFY-MUHORAY, Peter, Dept. of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5
PALMER, Leigh Hunt, Physics Dept., Simon Fraser Unlversity, Burnaby, B.C., V5A 1S6
PANAR, Joshua Daniel, GSB 105, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1
PANDA, Sun11 Kanta, 235 Bronte St.S., Unit #6, Milton, Ontario, L9T 3V8
PANTER, William #3 Sqr., Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 2W3 (S)
PAPAVRAMIDIS, Dimitrlos, 354 Beresford Ave., Toronto, Ontario, M6S 3B5
PAPINI, G., Dept. of Physics 6 Astronomy, Unlversity of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4S 0A2
PAPP, Nicolas, Dept. de Physique, Universit6 Laval, Quebec, Quebec, C1K 7P4
PAQUET, Claude, 847 Bellevue, St-Foy, Qu6bec, C1V 2R7
PAQUET, Jacques, 3 Parć Samuel Holland, # 1723, Qu6bec , Qu6bec, GIS 4M6
PAQUETTE, Guy, Dept. de Physlque, Universite de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Montreal, Quźbec, H3C 3J7 PAQUIN, R6al, Dźpt. de Physique, Unlverslte Laval, Qu6bec, Qu6bec, C1K 7P4 PARADIS, Michel, App 2, 310 des Lilas O., Qu6bec, Qu6bec, GIL 1B5
PARANJAPE, B.V., Dept. of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6C 2E1 PARANJAPE, Manu B., 8907-120 St., Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 1X6 (S)
PARANJAPE, V.V., Dept. of Physics, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 5E1 PARĘ, J.R. Jocelyn, 868 Madone, Mont-Laurler, puebec, J9L 1T7 (S)
PARK, F.R., 21 Davldson Dr., Ottawa, Ontario, KIJ 6L7 (A)
PARK, John K., Geomagnetlc Lab., Earth Physics Br., 1 Observatory Cr., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0Y3 PARKER, Richard R., 8 Enid Crt., Bellevllle, Ontario, K8P 1G3 (A)
PARKHURST, Harvey M., 482 Bello St., Arvida, Qu*bec, C7S 2N2 (J)
PARSONS, John Richard, A.E.C.L., Chalk Rlver, Ontario, KOJ 1J0