Stabiity of FoUower-Force Rod« with Weight
H.H.E. Leipholz and R. Piche Univ. of Waterloo. Waterloo. Ontario. Canada, ASCE J. Engrg. Mech., 1_K) (3). pp 367-379 (Mar 1984) 6 figs, 14 refs
Key Word*: Rod*. Follower forcei. Flutter, Miuilei
The effect of follower force* eod weight on the stability of elestic rod* i* studiad uting the 2-mode Gelerkin method. Stability bounderie* are pretented to rfK>w how vark>us combination* of the k>edt lead to divergence or flutter
inttabtiity. Rasutts are pretented for pinned-pinned rod*, clamped-free rod* and free-free rod*. The free-free rod corretpond* to a fltxlbla missile with dittributed follower force* due to drag and waight-like force* due to thru*t.
(AIsoseeNos. 1684,1722)
Structural Retponee of RC-Member* in Caae of fanpulańe Loading Failure Anałysi* in Bending and Shear
C. van der Veen and J. Blaauwendraad Delft Univ. of Tech., Delft. Holland, Interaction of Non-Nuclear Munitions with Structures, Proc. Symp. U.S. Air Force Acad.. CO. May 10-13, 1983. Vol 1, pp 182-187, 8 figs, 7 refs
Kay Word*: Be*mi, Impact *xc Kation, Reinforced concrete, Failure analyei*
Be*mi and one*way *Jab* aubjected to knpulsłve loeding are analyzad with the aid of a numerical model, which i* kept a* simple a* poteible, and which i* tufficiently powerful to *knułata raal beam rnponn. Tharefore tha baam i* ichama-tlzad a* a *y*t*m of rigid tections and elasto-plattic hinge* which cen eccount for hyaaresl*. The equation* which hołd for thi* diecrete model are pretented. They ere *olv*d by ute of the cystern* dynamie* language Dynamo.
Uniateral Contact, Dynamie Analyaa of Beam* by a Time-Stepping, Ouadratic Programming Procedurę
E. Mitsopoulou
Dept. of Civil Engrg., School of Tech., Aristotle Univ.
of Thessaloniki-Greece, Meccanica, 18^ (4). pp 254-265 (Dec 1983) 10fM. 23 refs
Key Word*: Beam*. Nonlineer programming
Thi* peper diteutse* a method for the dynamie analytit of a slender beam, undergoing imali deformationt and contraited without friction by a tupporting profile. The relevant co ryta ct-imptct (uniieteral conitrained) problem i* ttudied, with reference to e diterete model in spece and time, after łts formulation a* a quadratic programming problem with tign oonttraintt only. The contact-impact problem for a rigid tupporting profile i* first *olved, and *ub*equently the contact problem for an elaitic profile.
Ritz Finite Element Approach to Nonlinear Yibra* tiona of Beam*
B.S. Sarma and T.K. Varadan Defence Res. and Dev. Lab., Hyderabad, India, Intl. J. Numer. Methods Engrg.. 20 (2). pp 353-367 (Feb 1984) 1 fig, 8 tables, 16 refs
Key Word*: Baamt, Flexural vibration, Finite element technique, Ritz method
A Ritz finite element approach i* used here to ttudy the larga amplitudę free fłexural vibretion$ of baamt with im-movable and*. The formulation i* based on Lagrange'* equa-tion of motion with tha definition of tha time function at an instant corre«>onding to tha point of rever*al. Tha element dimlacement vactor i* chotan at a combination of inplane and transver*e diaplacament*. The nonlinear ttlffnan i* written aa a combination of tha bending-membrene interaction and bending itiffne**. The solution for nonlinear aquations i* aought by uting an algorithm - tha direct itera-tion technique - witebly modlfied for *igenvalue problem*. Convergence i* checked uting the di«>tecement norm* on eigen-modet.and fraguency norm* for aig*nvalue*.
Free Yibration Analysis with Beam Modela Which In dudę Bending Warping, Toraon Watping and Anticlaatic Bending Effect*
M.S. Ewing
Ph.D. Thesis, Ohio State Univ.. 138 pp (1983) DA8400194
Kay Word*: Baamt, Fret vforation, Cantilevar baamt, Tran*-yarta thear deformatlon effect*. Rotatory inert i* effect*