Figurę 5.1 Sintered bricks production and characterization methodology.

5.3 Results and discussion 5.3.1 Raw materials properties

The physical and Chemical properties of raw materials are summarized in Tahle 5.2. The specific gravity and specific surface area are practically similar for both materials. TCPMT are considered as non-plastic due to the difficulty to determine its plasticity limit. This materiał could not be rolled into a 3.2 mm thread and breaks into smali threads. RM presents the desired plasticity for optimal extrusion to manufacture fired bricks with a plasticity limit (22.1 wt.%) in the rangę: 15-25 wt.% and a plasticity index (18.8 wt.%) in the rangę: 15-30 wt.% . The XRF analysis shows that TCPMT is mainly


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