Figurę 6.16 Yearly Power Production and Fuel Consumption of Single Turboexpander and Fuel

Celi Systems..................................................................................................................................83

Figurę 6.17 Hourly Power Output of Dual Turboexpander and Fuel Celi System........................86

Figurę 6.18 Hourly Efficiency of Dual Turboexpander and Fuel Celi System..............................87

Figurę 6.19 Efficiencies of Turboexpanders with Increasing System Flow Rates........................88

Figurę 6.20 Average Yearly Efficiency of Dual Turboexpander and Fuel Celi Systems..............89

Figurę 6.21 Yearly Net Income of Dual Turboexpander and Fuel Celi Systems..........................90

Figurę 6.22 Yearly Power Production and Fuel Consumption of Dual Turboexpander and Fuel

Celi Systems..................................................................................................................................91

Figurę 6.23 Operation Ranges of Yarious Single and Dual Turboexpander Configurations........93



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