High fidelity was born just a genera-tion ago So was Sansui. In 1947, when the transistor was invented, we began as a manufacturer of high-quality audio trans-formers. Since then, Sansuisdedication to the sound of musie and our extensive R & D have led to countless technołogical breakthroughs and products that have con-tmually advanced the art and science of high fidelity Some highlights:
1958: The year of the first stereo recordings also brings the release of our first stereo amplifier.
1965: As hi-fi widens its appeal, we introduce our first stereo receiver. the TR 707A
1966: Sansuis U.S. subsidiary, destined to be outgrown in little morę than a decade by our new headqua<Ters in Lyndhurst. N.J., begins operation.
1970: QS. Sansuis patented 4-channel system, gains worldwide recognition.
1976: No less a leader in broadcast than in consumer audio technology, Sansui introduces two stereo AM systems at the Audio Engmeering Society convention.
1978: Psychoacoustic research into the subtle but very real deficiencies in bass and m transient response in musie repro-duction results in Sansui's introduction of DC amplifiers. the renowned G-series re-ceivers. and our patented DD/DC circuitry. These advanced technołogies reduce distortions whose very existence had been questioned until we developed a straightforward measurement technique to verify oh a meter what listeners' ears had long told them.
the first Super Feedforward amplifiers. the realization of a design that eliminates even the last vestiges of distortion that not even negativefeedback could combat.Thisde-velopment inaugurates a new era in the reduction of amplifier distortion and firmly estabhshes Sansui as a world leader in this important work. Eager to maintain its technołogical leadership. now also in video, in the same year Sansui develops an ultra-compact gas laser-optical pickup, some 40 times
smaller than conventional detector Systems. that promises to play a vital role in futurę compact digital audio disc players.
1981: Modulation noise, long a problem in cassette recorders, is reduced to virtual inaudibility by Sansuis patent-pending Dyna-Scrape Filter. Equalization thats simpleenough for practical home use is realized with Sansuiscomputerized SE-9 equalizer,
which not only achieves Professional results in record or playbacK. but also per-mits storing up to four instantly-
Moculation Noise Reruction
r. .
1979: Sansui's patent-pending D-O-B (Dynaoptimum Balanced) method of optimally locating the pivot point results in significantly lower tonearm susceptibility to unwanted vibrations.The same year Sansui introduces the first member of our trend-setting system approachto hi-fi componentry, the Super Compo senes.
1980: Developing a theory first suggested in 1928. Sansui presents
seiectable equalization curves.
At the 1981 NY AES. we presented four major papers outlining breakthroughs in both audio and video engineering, each of which will lead to products to enrich all our lives.
Sansuis story and the story of high fidelity. They are really one ongoing story, and the futurę is bright for both.
Lyndhurst. New Jersey 07071. Gardena. CA 9C248 Sansui Electric Co.. Ltd.. Tokyo. Japan
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