Now recreating it is.

Degree in engineering? Swiss bank account9 Ali you need to get startlmg cassette deck performance is Aiwas startling cassette deck... the 3-head AD-3500 Its performance and convenience will bedazzle your senses. For the ears, there’s Dolby C So you hear the musie, not the tape. For the eyes, 24 section, tri-color

bar meters. While for the touch. Aiwa adds all-electromc soft touch Controls. For easy mamte nance. try Aiwa's A D.M S. It automatically demagnetizes the heads so you don't have to. The AD-3500 even replays musie over again. automatically Aiwas AD-3500. It does morę than reproduce musie. It reereates it. Simply.

.•'= . — J- * M-m

S r i aL\muL* • *ł^r'

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Aiwa introduces 3-head and Dolby C performance with auto-demagnetizing and auto-replay convenience

•Dolby is a irademark oi Dolby Laboratories A-wa Amer ca inc 35 Oxlord Onve. Woonacne, New Jersey 07074 inCanada Sbnro (Canada) lid


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