WorkSouth 293
* an outstartding Oscilloscope with
digital storage
This new Oscilloscope offers all the łeatures of a state-of-the-art 20MHz realtime instrument. In additioń it provides digital storage capability for signals between 50s and 0.3ms duration, with a max. sampling ratę of 5MHz. Especially when working with comparatively slow phenomenae, the HM205 can easily replace considerably morę expensive digital storage scopes.
2 Probes x 1/ x 10 incl.
th6 high tech Storage Scope with
20MHz sampling ratę
The HM208s high sampling ratę of max. 20MHz facilitates storing of relatively faśt single shot events. Max. memory is 4096 x 8 bit, conveniently divided into two independent blocks. XY-storage capability enables easy viewing and recording of characteristic curves and Lissajous figures. An XY-recorder output and the optional GPIB-Interface allow fuli integration in automatic measurement systems. With morę than 5000 units sold, this is one of Europe’s best selling digital storage scopes.
2 Probes x 1/x 10 incl.

t VIC. (03) 5601011, FAX (03) 5601804 NSW (02) 4395500
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ELECTRONICS Australia. September 1987
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