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Professional CD player

Audax Loudspeakers has announced the relcasc of the long awaited CD-M2 compact disc player from Micro Sciki in Japan.

Micro Sciki’s design philosophy has










becn the elimination of extemal and in-ternal vibration and this accounts for the heavy grade zinc-aluminum top panel, bascd on a newly devclopcd COSMAL-Z alloy. This is a newly de* veloped metal designed for extreme rigidity and vibration damping charac-teristics, compared to conventional aluminum alloys.

To further eliminate vibration the bottom panel of the CD-M2 uses a tri-plex vibration damping structure com-prising of lead, ferrite and alloy materials. In addition, the chassis framc rigidity is assured by the use of a zinc die-cast frame. These special materials give the CD-M2 a weight of 22kg. Micro Sciki claims that such careful attention to the use of internally strong materials leads to previously unheard-of sound quality in a compact disc player.

The power supply unit incorporatcs a very large power transformcr featuring a triplex shielding structure and a short-ing strap, hum proof belt and coppcr-plated Steel case to minimise leakage flux into other circuits. Independent power supply circuits are used for each of the digital PCB, analog PCB, scrvo mcchanism and fluorescent display sec-


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tions, to eliminate the risk of logie pulses interfering with adjacent sections. The result, Micro Seiki claims, is a prcviously unobtainable transparency and extremely high signal to noise ratio (140dB).

The CD-M2 offers 4 times over sam-pling (176.4kHz), true to 16 bit vertical resolution, twin D/A .converters and crosstalk of better than -l(X)dB. It also features a 16 bit, oversanipling digital filter, and a third order Bessel filter for higher resolution and inereased linear phase characteristics.

Multiple output configurations offer 600 ohm balanced XLR cannon connec-tors for professional use, single ended 2V RCA gold connectors, a fivefold sandwich structure, quadruple static

shielded transformcr and a balanced linę output offering two cannon to gold plated RCA connector cables supplied as a standard accessory.

For direct to digital transmission the unit provides a digital output and an optical output. Fuli remote control offers program play, direct access play, one track/whole track program repcat, track/index scarcl>and program scan.

The CD-M2 is designed for high qual-ity and professional systems and will re-tail for $5,500. It comes with a fuli two-year warranty.

Further information is availablc from Audax Loudspcakers, 295 Huntingdale Road, Huntingdale 3166, or from Audio Investments, 5 Towri Close, St Ives 2075.

6 ELECTRONICS Australia, September 1987

Dash mounted car CD

Sony Australia has released the CDX-R88 automotive CD player system, with inbuilt FM/AM tuner and power amplifier. The new model is designed to fit DIN size automotive dash mounts.

The CDX-R88 is equipped with a 25W per channel amplifier. The CD functions include AMS (Automatic Musie Sensor) letting you select the in-dividual track you prefer. The manuał search function ailows cue and review operations, and the return button lets you automatically return to the begin-ning of the first selectioń on the disc. It also has auto repcat, which automatically plays back the selected disc oncc the original tracks have been played.

The high sensitivity, high performance FM/AM tuner has 18 station preset tuning (12 for FM stations and 6 for AM stations) plus scck tuning, which tunes into the ncxt strong station up or down the band.

Another interesting feature of the CDX-R88 is the digital display indicat-ing elapsed timc or track number while the CD is playing. The unit also incor-porates linę in/out jacks to integrate with cxisting car installations or futurę system expansion.

The CDX-R88 is available now thróugh the Sony dealer network at a suggested retail price of $1,499.

For further information contact Sony (Australia), 33-39 Talavera Road, North Ryde 2113












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