Obraz (113)

Obraz (113)





i i nu w (Im! . what new-born , lilii In n InuK li kr and it’s different »i y«111' 11 looking at your own - but wlmCii il gol to do with clothes and fushibn?”

Iiound the corner in Victoria Place, 53-year-old mother of five, Sandra Gray phoned up to protest.

“It’s horrible. Ali the pmplr I work with agree all tłial blnoil and gore is not something you w.ml nu a giant poster II muld disluib .1 mother to be.’*

A HrnrllOn olTicei sald: "At firsl vvi• li.id a iirgulw response, hut KMTnlly Ilu- culls were equally (11 vii11MI liriwoen those upset and tl 1 o1 ■ rongnit ulating us on its n nlily We don’t come into the world as pink fluffy bundles. Many want copies and say they wish

theyVI photographed their children at such an exhilarating and profound moment,” she added.

She eontinued: “Earlier, we emphasised the unity of life by showing children of different eolours This poster focuses on the unity of humanity by showing that we all enlor the world the same wny.

The ASA has no legał powers to Ccnsor poster displays but as hoarding companies must abide by its recommendations, the poster looks doomed.

• Smaller versions of the poster sent to Benetton’s own shop in Old Christchurch Road are not being displayed because they might upset people.

David Haith




8 Look at the notes below and decide which points you would include in a 300-word essay on this topie, bearing in mind that the points must all be rclevant:

Outline the hamiful and the beneficial effects of advertising.

/ aL..... w v

-    Naad created fortotally umeceeęary producte (e.g. kitchan gadgate)

Hathora of brande of goode, diffarant only in nama (a.g. detergentu)

-    Goode morę expenewe due to coetlyadvertieing budgate

Young people may ba harmed by certain advertieemente (e.g. alcoholic drink)

-    A de &ti mulata anvy among tha leee wall-off; may I ead to r\ee in crime ratę

(e.g. thefte of e^peneiva care)    \

-    Commerclale on W intarrupt programmee- vary annoying

-    A de create deelre for mora and mora materiał poeeeeelone

-    A de I ead to dieeatiefaction with one o etandard of \\v\ng - may I ead to . people trying to liva bayond thair meane \

-    Many commerclale on TV hava \ne\d\oue tunee that linger in tha brain

-    Many ade are amusing and \nformat\ve - often mora amusing than tha programmee on TV or articlae in a magazina
-    Ads stimulata competition batwaan companias, thue kaaping pricas down

-    A de create coneumer awareneee, giving Information about a ranga of

producte    \
-    Ads in newepapere and magazinas kaap thair coet down - many couldn’t 6urviva without advert\eemente


-    Tha world would ba duli and drab without amusing and oolourful ade

Add any further points you want to make to the notes above. Decide on the sequencc of the points in your composition.

C Write your composition. Include examples of particular adverti$ements that seem to support your arguments.

8 The press

8.1 The media


The .


Topie vocabulary


/ ^Guardian




Work in groups and discuss these ąuestions:

•    Which newspapers do you read regularly? Which do you prefer and why?

•    Which English-language newspapers have you read? What were they like?

•    Is there a local English-language newspaper in your country? What’s it like?

•    What current affairs programmes do you watch or listen to on the TV or radio?

•    Which newspaper would you recommend if you were asked? Give your reasons.

B Match these words and phrases to their synonyms below:

article circulation editorial issue magazines mam story nemreader the papers reporter reviewer

critic the dailies journalist lead story leader monthlies & weeklies newscaster number number of copies sold report

C Here are some typical newspaper headlines. Each is explained in everyday language, with some words missing. Fili the gaps.

1    Quake toll rises

The number of..................of the..................has risen.

2    Tories set to win polP

Somcone says that the..................party is..................to win the fortheoming by-


3    Premier backs peace moves in docks

The..................says that (s)he..................the.................. to reconcile both sides in the

port workers’ dispute.

4    Police name Mr Big

The police have revealed the................. of the .................of the robberies.

5    Jobless total tops 3m - PM to face critics in Commons

..................3 million people are now...................The Opposition will be

asking the..................some difficult ąuestions in.................. B-f



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