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BBB BBJB \SBSD* BEgr-‘-^vt

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DSE Economy Phone

Porfect as a replacement rT*.. or second phone In 5 fashion colours, gjm•* attractlve styllng. T/CTxi leatures push

button dłalllng,    | \]Sv. 1

łasi number redlal.    ^

mule button and ■iflMrif rlngerON/OFF    (/

swłtch.Comes    y

compiete with    JŁ 5 J

colled cord. wali pług and wali    C Jl

bracketl “    E Jl

Cat F-5185 White    tUlWUłłi]

Cat F-S186 Red    I I *91 I

CatF-5187 Płnk $J A95 Cat F-5191 Blue J y Cat F-5192 Brown


10 Memory Wall or Desk Mount

Featur90lude 1°

(18-dlgit) memory.

sturdy constructlon    jfmmm **        1 j

and sllm-llne    ffjj    c=3 a

modern design,    ttfifAr    j    /

push button    ^p/h    |    i

convenlence,    /**"/fl/^\ I /

ON/OFFwHh    S\ liii

flashlng LED    // ^ —-JJ I

for number    iar


and access    $JŁQ95

pause tor PABX Systems.

pulse dłalllng and much morę' CatF-Sieo


Cali Forwarding 2 Tape N' Answering Machinę

Totally Programmable — Totally controllable

You won't belleve that an answering machinę could

otfer so much - at such a *-    *

Iow prlce. But then lt's    

much. much morę than    03*5

an answering machinę.--

Just look at the Incredlble -—-

features thls state-of-the-    ‘,..>77^=--

art machinę has to otfer:    ^ ^    ■■


Expandable FM



As your demands Increase, so does thłs system Add up to 6 statlons ailowlng 3 simultaneous conversatłons. Bullt-in sguelch tor superior sound. Cat F-1013


Phone-type Duplex 2-Station Intercom

Just lltt the handset and use llke an ordlnary phone: fuli duplex operation means automatic 2-way operation...no buttons to press or hóld. Perlect for nolsy areas — factory floors. etc. Attractively styled. each ^^ staton can be wali or yS desk mounted.    /

Cai F.1°15    ygfci


•    Cali forwarding

•    Emergency messog© sendlng

•    Security coded

•    'Memo* fuctlon

•    Answer deloy

•    Tołal remote contro!



Single Tape Answering


Thłs fantastlc machinę has got to be .the slmplest of all to use...In (act. the solid State młcroprocessor clrcuhry Is actlvated by the sllde of a    >

button. Revolutlonary VOX (Volce actłvated) / remote control - no costly beeper requłred. fk Vołce activated message tlme means    Ir I

morę messages per tape.and no wasted    F

space. Unbelłevable vaiuel Cat F-6130





Now you can pług two phones In. or a phone and an answering machinę.


Shh! Is that the phone?

If you're In.the garden, workshop you need never miss the phone agaln. Slmply plugs Into your exi$tlng telephone socket and gives you 5 metres of cord and extenslon beli.






15 metre length provldes freedom to move about the house or even outslde. A retractable spool prevents any possible danger of trlppłng over a tangled cord. Features a . convenlent carry handle. cf.s.u $<|g95

10m Cord

With. Double Adaptor

15m of phone freedom — PLUS a double adaptor for your cordless phone. answering machinę, etc. Cat F-5103

Telecom authorłsed


15m Cord

With Double Adaptor

A little. shorter. a llttie cheaper. Also Includes double adaptor. Cat F-511S


Phone Pług and cket

Easy connectłon for standard Australian phone Systems.

Pług Cat F-5117 Socket Cat F-5118



• NSW • Albury 21 8399 • Bankstown Square 707 1888 • Blacktown 671 7722 • Blakehurst 546 7744

Boodl Juncbon 387 1444* Brookvaie (Warrmgah Wall) 93 0441 • CampbeWown 27 2199 • Chatswooa Chase 411 1955 • Chullora 642 8922 • Gore Hiti 439 5311 • Goslord 25 0235 • Hornsby 477 6633 • L<ve*DOOi

Chase 411 1955 • Chullofa 642 8922 • Gore Hrfi 439 5311 • Goslord 2

600 9888 • Maeland 33 7866 •'Miranda 525 2722Newcastle 61 1896 • Nonh Ryde'86 3855 • Parramatta 689 2188 • Penrhh 32 3400 Rarfway Souare 211 3777 Sydney CHy 267 9111 • Tamwonh 66 1711

MornsBy 4 77 6633 • Livefpool

h Ryde 88 3855 • Parramatta

7 9111 • Tamwonh 66 1711

ooy *100 - r-enrnn    •    waitway duuare 4/ff • Syoney uiy 2or 9111 • Tamwonn 66 1711

• Woilonooog 28 3800 • ACT Fyshwick 80 4 944 • VIC Balarat ii 5433 • Bendigo 43 0388 • Bo* HHi 890 0899 • Easi Brighton 592 2366 • Coburg 383 4455 • Essendon 379 7444 • Fr-mkaton 783 9 U4

•    Geelorw 43 8804 Wetboufne City 670 9834 Richmond 428 1614 Ringwood 879 5338 • Spnngvale 54 7 0522 • OLO • Brisbane Cky 229 9377 • Buranda 391 6233 • Ch0rm5.de 359 6255 • RedOank 288 5599

•    Rockhampton 27 9644 • SouthDOd 32 9863 • ToowoomDa 38 4300 • Townsvi*e 72 5722 • Underwood 341 0844 • SA • Ade'atOe City 232 1200 • Dart.ngton 298 8977 • Efcebeth 255 6099 • Ent^ld 260 6088

   Sali Sb ufy 281 1593 • WA • Canoington 457 8666 • Fremanrte 335 9733 • Nodh Penh 328 6944 • Penh

481 3261 • TAS • Hobart 31 0800 • NT • Stuart Park 81 1977



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