r'iŁ*. 3 : undosoribcd sjKicles reccnlly diseomcd in Iłu* v'ioinUy of SaCił. A : Flowers ofa ncw spccfcs ofGuorea (Mcllaccae. Mori & al. 20963).
U : ('ruil of thc same ncw speeies ol‘ Guareci (inwouohercd). C : I.aieral vicw of the llowers of a ncw spcclcs of DyUneria (Stereo liaccac. Mori & al.
19160. I) : Top vlcw of Ihc Iłowers of llie same new speeies of liyllneria (Mori & al. I 9160). notę the ani mimics whlcli arc outgrowths of llie pelals.
trees in Power
Ol>sorvalion dale
[•'Ig. 4 : Phcnological cliffercnccs between U*njthis confcrttjloru and L. idatimon.