For installations iequiring phasing epuipment, Collins otfers a complele linę ol cusiom designed units. Whether an instal* laiion is a iwo-tower directional 01 a twelve-tower system. Collins can provide the necessary engineering and hardware to match it to your transmitter.
Engineered into each installation, aie easily adjusted net-woi ks, high stahility, adepuate voltage and current safety factors, and maximum economy. A customer's rerjuire-ments. as speciłied by his consulting engineer, are strictly adhered to. and designs are submitted for approval before actual conslruction is begun. To expedite installat ion and operat ion. data sheets are supolied that indicate settings tor both the coils and capacitors.
Collins phasing geai can Im? supplicd in cabinets that match the entire Collins transmitter linę. Ali doorsand panels have built-in interlocks for safety. and may be interfaced with automatic switchover Controls and remote control Systems.
Ty pica! Collins Phasing Neiwork.