
± 2 ,TVn#» to—. Twmfitfa.Wio Suaday.Octobt<».

risrf in Norember

==^W*5HTR6reN 4UPI1— Seeretary-of-SUtc Henry A . Klsslngcr uld Soturday lhol . * PrrtiderJ Ford plam lo go loChlna around Nov, 28 and that hc łound US.-Chłncsc rclaIJons "boalcallyuund" durtnghltown Pcklng vlrtt -Ford met with Kiutoger for 90 mlnulcs at the ; Whllc Howe co get a Ml report on Che iccrrltry'1 Irip and loprcparc lor latka Monday skith Egypllon Prcslden! AnwarSadal.

7---Ktortnger-reluroed Friday ■flerfwdop of-

confcrring with Chlncte leaders lo lay the -    grouadworii for FonTi Irip. Hc told reporter*

aflcr the Ford briefing that ihr ofllciol ichcdulc for Che PrestdeM'8 jouraey would noc be an nouneed for aboul a arek.

;____ “Bul lberc'1 no pubstarthe problem." hc

sald. ottrtbutlng ihe dcUy to "soroe Icehnlcal sebeddtog problem*" chat havc no< bcen resdvedyel

tv, Asked abocl a postfblc Nov. 2* deparlure. he J uld t! would be "In Ihat generał Hmc framc"

• S and "wtthlo a three or kur da > period" of Ihat

•    dale.

2 kfsiłftger uld he laformcd Ford durlng thelr

•    meettag that "owr rctatkmJUp wllh Chlna Is { bajicafly lound"

J On Ibe MU wllh Sadit. Ktulnger sald Che w> United Stałeś "wttl look vrry *ympathdicall> at *\rRgyp^1 m-mpo)s'1 fererwnk ołd-a»rt*»—'

Calro'1 bid tor MS. ndltury assisi&nce lo offset. American ald tolsrael.

. "Bul there wtll nol be any annoonccmenls or any dedsiona as to a program for mUHary ald lo Egypt at lWstlmc.Mhesa)d.

In aboul a week. Ford will prcscM his fuli rerjuest lor lorclgn ald. Includlng amounta for Isracl and Egypt. "and I thlnk It will havc 1o be consldcrtd.ey the Coogrcw as a package." -Klsstngcrsakl

Uoder lerms ot Ibe ncw Interim Slnal accord. Klsslngcr promised the United States would glve Uracl aboul S2.E Milton wortb of rcooomk and mltltary ald and provlde Egypt wllh aboul SC00 ml!lico In cconomlc osslslance only.

' "Wc bcllere Ihal what we are dolng In Ihe Mlddle East Is not Ihc rcsUlt of any agreement but ts Ibe result of tong-term American Interesu" Klsslngcr sald. "And we hopc my much ihal the Congrets will sec ll the same way and grani what we request.at

Ford scoms almost fully rccorercd from a sinus cold and infMfón Ihal foreed hlm to rest a goodparlof IhbtTcek

Atdcs sald hc Is ptannlng lo take it easy agaln Sunday and resume his norma!ly hccllc pocę by golng to Arlington National Cemetery early Mondoy morolng to parttctpalc In a Vclcrans Iho.-Ton-b. oUhcOJnknown

aro prrpared to have a genrrnł sHttiMtaT of Soldlcr.



ITT i y ’■

> •*:$: .• 'i

* TWIN FALLS - Augol ił nermifly • hlgfi tniębymuA morta, wita tre. food procewon tUrttaj. ihdr Urvot. produeUon openUcoi and most “oul-ol-dooa" wdrt-M fufl-i

lorce.    " *    •    • ' •’ 4'* ■ •

. Howtw, ernpłoynwnt ihrouj&oul the lhrte<ounły ot Twln FaliJ, Jeeme and Ccodbg Cour.l[cs,'(Jitęt«J ncłlceafiJy “ thla August.

‘ On a n>onth-uvnKf!th basta, ibe dedlne In ertpioyrocat waj cofUlrmcd prlmarlly lo agrlcultural woritera. Noo-agricjJtural employmera showed an owali Increase wllh only aorae minor excepUons In a few noo-manuladurlng Industries. The bereaae ta owali noo-ogricullural etnployment rosę almoal tolally oul ' the food procostag Induslry '


' Baionrud vX Auguit- What U not nonnal and was U* prlncłpa) etai^i <or the overall dedlne ta empRSjment ta August was the gro-*1hrlw/'..‘i-    i

Allhough area prWttoor* hlred ar. *Mitlooal C$ errpki>r« ta August as cotnpsnd to July. they stul hlred far fe«r than nonnal for the mooth. In 1974 food procesaora had 5łS morę eroptayees thanlhłs year ta August, and In 1973 tatrę were «0 morę people cmployed tn the food processtag tadustry than thłs yetrtolhesamemonUi. -

The llmlled growth espcrienctd In August *u net caused by permanert plant doturea nor Staff redoctiecs. U was caused prtmartly by a later Uun normal temporary seasorol produc-tk>n ahulóown at ooc processtag plant and a slo-e start at anotaer plant. Cropo were not ready to be barvoted at the nonnal tlme.



^hrisfena M. Parrott

TW1N FALLS - Mn. Christeno Marle

•    • S Psrrott. 90. Twłn Falłs. dlcd carly Saturdjy In a

S Bohl MffStag borne oflcr on cilcnded lllncss -5 Boro Aug. 9. im. łnWMUbg. Jocltłon County. . 3 Kon. «hf morrted Arthur A. Porroct July I.

T3 i^.lnHoltOi.Kin:-------------

. J • Mro.Tjrmt rooved to Twin Folii In 1915. lo ' 2 Buhl io 19(3 and rtlurned In )9Cfi lo Tkln FaHs lo

•    2*uy.

.Mn. Parrotl b survlved by iwo sons. AWo A. Z Porroll. Bohl. and Christian Parrotl. Twta --frFalłay-i-sWor^Mrs. Molo VonBuren. Twla jFalla: aU grandchlldrcn and seven greot-~ grandchlldrrn.

S Funerol aervket will be conductcd at 2 p.m 5 Tuesday at Twin Falb Chaprt by Roy Thomp • aotu mlftbler of the Twin Falb United MethodLsl jChuroh. BurtaI wiu be In the Filer IOOF Cemeiery.

Frtends may cali at the chopcl today and Monday untll 9 p.m. and untll acr\icc Urnę on Tuesdoy.

George EJDille

Old free removed

Eulah J. Bybec

J- RUPERT - Eulah Jean Bybec, 81. Us v gVegoi Nev^ farmer Rupert resldent. dled STOesday at a Las Vegas res? homo.

5 $he was bem on Ocl 19. i®4. ai Colby. Kan^

• gondmarrted Ab Bybec

•    Survlvors are Iwo lister* In Kansas, threc

_jii!ectsindoncncphew _ ...... ....

S Shc was preecded In dcalh by her huitiand and •one son

•    Gravctidc scn*lcti will be rondueled Monday r at 1 :»p.m. at the Rupert Cemeiery.

« Friends may coli al Walk llawen Morlumy 3 Monday momlng untll tlme of tervkcs

WEN DELL— Ccorgc II. Dłllc. $0. dlcd Frtday evcnlng at St. Bcnedlcfs Hospltal aflcr a heart allack.

He was bom Nov. 7. lttS. In Salem. Idaho, the fJrstbabybomlnthctown. V

Ile marrlcd Rosę Kitoger m ihe Salt Lakę cny LDS Tempie on Junc 21190G. He was a farmer all his llfe. belng a dry farmer In Herbert where he homesteaded. The couplc laowd to Wendełl In 1928 whcrc be farmed untll hla retlremenl In I9G3

Hc was an netto member of Ihe LDS^ High PrtestQuarum Hc senedone full-tlme mlasfon and Iwo slokc mlsslons for ihe LDS Church and hrid mony other leadćrship posiltons In the cburth.    #    . • . •

Sunrlvcnt Inddde hb wlfe: sta sons. iii.bert Mlc. Coodlng; Ario DlUe. WendelJ: Mertbcn Dllln. Shoshooe;~Joe Dłllc. KłmberiyrTberon Dllle. KayselBe. Uloh. and Lewis DMle. Burley: Tw-o daughters. Mrs Lee (Leona) Dcrman. Boise, and Mrs L Ray tVMftRl Stonger. Klmberty; 4S grandchlldren: 102 greal-grandchlldrcn and 7 greal grrat grandcMIdrtn •• He wm preeeded In death by lwa sons. Iwo granddaughtcrs one grandson. elgbt slsters and Ihrcc brothers

The famlly asks memortals bc madę lo ihe LDS Cblldren'1 Hospiul In Salt Lakę City.

Funerol servlc« will be Tucsday at 2 p.m. at the LDS Churth In Wcndełl with Bbhap Montle Pctersonoffldatlng.

Friends may cali Monday and untll noon on Tucsday at Lcepcr Morluary.

“HANK Wolfer Idaho Folia-Tlmber«lne-1 Sejylce, rtmoves a 7Vyear-oid boa etder tree from the ElUabeth Thome resldence In Sbotbone. Many of Łbe trees plantcd tn the tosrn arouDd the tum of the ceotury when the ma w u flrst aetUed have dled and musi be remoYed.



Houston ćivic leaders— ~ issue Halloween warning

HOUSTON (UPI) - Houston area dvk leaders hovc urged parents to forbid thelr cMIdrtn to go trlckor-trcotlng oąllalloweefl.

Ślin llngcring In the backs of parents' mlmls Is the case last Hallów ten of Tlmothy 0'Bryan. a. who went Inlo convulslom and dkd one hour aflcr cating_p^^ered_c:andy.jaced^AitlL. granule*’ ól potaśślum cyanidc.

The boy*s father. Ronald C. 0'Bryan of suburban Deer Park. was convkted ot tbc murder and icntcnccd lo death The stale sald hc commltlcd the crtme to coileet oo S8I.O00 In* liro Insurancepremluma l

•The consensus feelir.tf oul herc Is there's iomelhłng bel ter for Hallów cen Ihan trick* or-trtatmg." sald Jlmmy W. Batcs. an operator for thcllght company

"What happened last year. aflcr cvcrjth!ng was sald and dooc. was donc by a person It was a person who was respcnslblc for what hap* pened. not an cvcnt or certain day."

Batcs' chtklren went trick-or-treatlng with Tlmothy OaBryan Ihat rolny Halloween nlghl

a year ago and also receked potson-fltlcd soda strawa.

Mrs Batcs forbadc the chlklren to cal thdr candy before going to bed and unknoulngly saved thelr IU*es.    i

Thlsycar. the Batcs chlldren and many others lo-tho-areo wiH-go-lo organrted partie* and camWotsralhcr than take to the strrets. ’

CHy coanclls In Houston. Dccr Park and nelghborlng Pasadena passed rcsolutlons urgtng parents m fortu d thelr chltdren to trkk or treat. refrain from handlng out goodłcs and tind an allematlYc lo the csUbllshed c ust om.

"That łnddent h In the bark ot all our mtods." sald Deer Park Mayor BU Black ••When somcthlng llke ihat happens In yotir commuruly. It naturallyaffcets thccommunlty.

"Ifa a shame you have to do away with lomethlng bceause of some skk people. hul kV% face It - that s the uortd loday "

•The chy U not indlocd to prohlblt trick or treat tog." saki Houston Mayor Fred łlofkelnr

MOSCOW tUPll - Scvcnty members o! the prrstJgious So%iot Academy of Sciences . Issucd a stcr.cnt Saturday condcrorJng Nobel prace pritc winner Andrel D. Sakharov, a fellow academy member.

The stolcmcnt sald Sovlel

VKier4UU "belkve thal the award of the Nobel prltc lo Is


Edna M. Pcugh

SHOSHONE - Mrs Edna May Peugh. 82. dlcd al the Coodlng Memoriał Hospltal Thur> sday.

Sbc was bom Oct. 5.189J In Muskcgan. Mich. Sbe was mamied to John Pcugh at Casanova. Mkh.lledicdU) 19SS.

Thcy have Uved In Lincoln County slocc 1912. "5hc droxT thr^ctioot bostherHorserernl yea rs-Mrs Peugh belongcd to Ihe Assemhly of Cod Church.

Sunrlws Include Iwo sons. C by ton Pcugh Shoshonc. and Re\*. Leonard Pcugh. Goidcn dole. Wash.: one daughter. Mrs Warren (Cccii M.l Meeks. Boise: one lister. Mrs. Georgio

one hair-hrolher.

f §®rW0(S€S

1 TWIN FALLS - Scrrkts for V>ctor L Beo • net. O. Nampa. torrner Twin Falls rrikden! w ho


g P.m. Monday ot WNte Morluary Chapd. S Mountaln Home Air Forte Bose pcrsconct wtl 5 perform grav«We rttes ot Sunsel MrmorUI • Port.


Word MIIU. Shoshone: lwu half slstcrs. Mrs Dorothy Edwords. Dietrich and Mrs. Lcm Burdette. Walla Walla. Wash.; twe step slstcn. Mrs Carrle Hewitt and Mrs. Syhia Dcnnlvjn both of Rcdmond. Ore.: 4 grandehilrfren and 12 greatgrandchlldren.

Funerol scrvlccs will be.hełd Tucsday ot 3 P-m. at the Bcrgln Funcral Cbapel with Rcv.

y^LSteCjiberinesChiirełi withRe<iułem----Wrdey-JełmsonoJfklaimg Hurlal will be ot the

Mass belng cclebrsicd at 10 o m. Tucsday. ShoshoneCeroetery.

Burial will be In the llagcrman Cemeiery under Friends may caB at the chapcl Monday and dlrecikn of lxepcr Mortuary'-    untll the smiccs on Tucsday.

HAGERMAN - Rosoo for Annc Curtis. C8. Hagerman. who dlcd Wedncsday In a Fforcnce. Ore.. hoapttal. wil! be rtelted ai 7:30 p.m


Coodlng C oonis

•" ^ Adzsltled

Mrs. LawreKc lloop*. Jamę* Mrli. inulu* Trlmblc and Katc Coughlan. aU Gooding!

Mrs Stanley Schkwc. Glcniw Ferry Disnlued

Charles PowclI. William Bell and Mrs Lawrencc Itoops. all Goodłng: l/)ric William* and Randolph Bllsv both Hagerman. and Mark Co*. Fa Irfkld

Hlnldokn >1r


JFormer president may become radio assayist

LOS ANGELES 1UPI1 - Former President pro/traro Iscalled••Vle»potots."and Wheardoo Richard M. NI*on has dlicovscd UccemlnR o 314 radio stattons In cvery stałe cxpcct -wtihHhc-man-uhoM-Ddaa.irc._?tall"n.-» BBt any»h.cre.frąm.Bnją.

firm syodicates Ronald Reagan'1 radtos hows Harry 0‘Connor of 0'Connor CreallsT Ser-vkes sald Saturday he met wllh NUco at San ClcmcntcScpt 9.

"Ile (NUoni uld Ihal he tbought radio mlght hr Ihr ŁlmflgriLmadluro-iar-hlm-rttheT-thafi— wrjtlng a new*spaper cokimn or going on tclevlsk)n." 0*Coni>or uld "He uld It was betlcr than T\* because li didni havc the element Ihal people would bc tumed olf by the klnd of nccklic he was wearlng"

0'Connor sa>d there had bcen no commllmcnt of any klnd and tt appeared NUon was lalking a year or 18 reonths to the futurę aftcr he com-picie* his mcmoifs aikTaireatJy- cónTróćtćd lelevLslon lntervlews wtth David Frosl Rcagan‘a radio programs consist or three-minuto commcntartos. flve dav* o week. The

1300 per week." 0'Connor uld.

"Any produecr who has any hudnets sense wx)utd want to do 11." hc uld. referring to a Nlson show. ‘Tm not coneemcd aboul tbc cons of soch a program 1 thlnk thcy would defUUtdv bc oulwełghćd by the pros "

The three fefcvis!on nctuorks were less en-tbuaUstk.

Richard C. Wald. president. NBC^Jew^. sald In New York (hal putłłng NUon on the alr was somethlngke had not consldered.

*ills oplnkms arc of Intcrcst. cdHtlnly." Wald aald. ‘Tm nol surę rd.be.parlkularly Intcrcsled In hlm os a‘loumallsl- his efforts In Ihe past boYc noRkrn partkufaTly aympathcHc*fo Ihe generał run of what people In thls business do for alUlng."

CBS and ABC had no commcnt.

unseemly and provocałWe In naturę."

The slgnotcrks Inchided Ihe actlng president of Ihe .A.c gdemy. V 1 a d I rr. I r KotcIknlkoY. *cvcral vlcc presiócnts and • number of— SoWet nobel laurealci.

**Of course I feet o bil sur* priscd and sorry." Sakharov. the nation'a leadlng human rlghla campalgner. told Wcslem correspondents aflcr tbc statement was relcased.

•i thlnk It %ras a result of pressure pot on them." he ułd Sakharov sald acadcmy members issucd a słmllar statement dcnounclng his dba id cni actlvltks In 1973.

Sokharov was cleetcd la the academy as a fuli member at Ihe ogc of E for Ms eon tri but lon to the So%lct cfforl lo build a hydrogen bomb.

The physlclst remalns a member despkc his xllvMies. recclYlng a guarantced ulary. apartment and ehauffered auto

"Wc cannot but czprcss our perptcaMy and lodlgnatlon at the award of the pcacc prltc by the Nobel CommHtec ol the —Norwegi on—<parłlarr« acadcmklan Sakharov. whose actlYlty Is ałmtd at un-dermlntng Ibe cause of pcxe. peaceful equal relallons among States, and at In* —stłgalłnf—dlslrusl -among natlons." the xkntlsts uld "Sakharm conttantly sklei with thosc who by thelr ąggrcssive odiom many limes pushed International lenalons lo the eitreme." Ihcy uld The statement repeoted charge* agkk.il Sakharov that hove appeared frequen<ly In

^STccnlroJred"pfSa slńce^lhc announcemcnt of the peace award earller Ihts monlh


ito*o Mod#l

aarw«»i«1ck'i 130lh In kordt. 4 .1 »U« AvtO«oU< rotom* •pr.o-oł.



Al *oUd O*4 r*wd 04 M lookil ftold C«»*i¥ry Ook •oodgroi^ ponotn. 3»#gUi«rtd. dowol-•d iki« OoUi wool aflon* proov«l'(Y cklh. r Of a 111 #1 tAtfto rmm opttonof.



An ottfto    Ihf#


roili. iKfT~ dowtUd f*QHr#fud ikfu 6 7 or •• lool mod#t|



498 Fall»'Av«.

" Twii Falls - 733-5GD1

Sara Moore transferred

Magle \ atley Ttemorlnl


Mrs Kenneth West. M* Terry 0‘Rourkr. Ndda May Jansson and Mcrton T Tbr«mp>nn. all Twin Falli.


Robert Hlne. Michart Walker. Darln Mar*

Robert Cetr?Todd ShafferTnd "Ed^ln‘wonds. •UTwlnFalU

Mrs Gary Jones. Kemrth Spencer and Mrs. Jack Lacker all KInberty: Donald Walker and" Robert Wildon. both Bul&; Rick Davls ond $levtr. Shoup. both Filer; Mrs Clydc Johnion. Hanaen; Mrs. Harry LeMoyne. Hagerman; WColln Maioy. Jerome and Uthcr Koonce. Coodlng.

. Ebk May CUrk and Tina Dcno. both Rupert. Płittlaaed

MbrtbijUłtfiry. Rupert; Thomas Macklcy. Burley. and Floyd RobUhm. Malta.

M. Rcnrdlrls


Carl Anderson. Dnon. III ; Joseph Iry. Shoshox. Antox Abnbarg and Julcr Princc^ Wendell.


Chrlslopher Smallry. Buhl: Mrs Sandra lludlc*ton and sonand Barry Neli. all Jerome

Ca Mil a rtcwiof lal


SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Sara Jano Moore. tndkted thts week for the attempted astaisiWhm^} PjniduA GeraW Ford. was transferred under the cover of darknrss Saturday to the u mc ]a!l wtikb hotds Polly

Heorst. ____---

Miss Moore. 4S. a twlce-marrted mofher and former FBI Informer. has bcen undergolng psychlotrk eaamknatkms In San Dtogo at a federal coroectlonaJ faeility. She hu bcen or-dered to appear.ln court neal Tbesday In San Francisco for arrałgnment.

Aft er appeartng before U. S Dlstrtct Judge Samuel Conti. Mtu Moore will be retumed to San Diego for compleUon of her psychiatrie esams.

_T\iesdąy'1 oppcarance wos ordered by Judge., Conti after he unseoled a federal grand jury tndktment that wuTtlbroed Wednesday Miss Moore was then broujdit to the San Mateo County jak. arr1v!ng ln the eariy hours Satur*

MU* Hearst. who has ahearing set for Ntv. 4 before U.S. Dlstrtct Judge Olfvtr J Carter ta efcitnnłot whether or not dwus competent io stand trial on federal bank robbery chargcs. U belng heid tn Ihe San Mateo County ]all for security rtasons

Federal Public defender Frank Bell. who will represeot Miss Moore. taki he would oppose her arrotgnmentTta^day. —    -






Ellen Bloyney. Vlvian Coltom. LII Howard. Mrs Warren Lanco. Mrs. Tlm Matlhewv Mrs Roland Nevarei; Mary ‘ Pagór nńd " Mrs Clarenec Starki alt Burtcy:' Mrs Sotero Caballero. Mrs Davld Thomas and Mrs. Jamę* Kldd. Deelo; • Cbernc L Johnson and J.W. Sorrnsen. Ileyborn and Mrs Tom Morgan. Rupert.

TWIN FAIJ.S - Twin Falls Cłiaptcr No. S. Order of E*Mem Star. will m«t at b p m Tucsday at tho Masitalr Tempie.



“D»seovar iKi cdvoniogti ofTooslng o 5#w"l9Ti Lincoln or Mtrcury. A ipeciol laoso eon bo loitor* •d to sotlsfy oll you: looslng newd% Flnd oul moro .^OvY..ł>y.p^oning. Ely|h Brown ot 733;7700 . or ollar Nourt ol 734-4433.


JIU \lil\ UK.KIST    733.7700


Because it starts the healing growth, the funcral is the gateway back into meaniijgful.life for survivors.

Reynold s Funeral Ghapel




VNC fUMAAA »l m»«WKT IH4I A |U| Mi t||U IMO



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