Distribution of horizontal shear analyzed for special sections, by G*N. Cox. Engineering news-recora, New York, May 9, 1935, v. 114, no. 19, p. 671. diagrs., illus.

On a simple method for solving simultaneous linear eąuations by a successive approximation process, by J. Morris. Journal of theR.A.S., London, Apr. 1935, v. 39, no. 292, p. 349-51.

Scherna di calcolo di un castello rnotorc, di P. Cicala. LłAero-tecnica, Roma, Feb. 1935, v. 15, no. 2, p. 170-79.    * *

Some useful noraograms, by N. Sykes. Flight, London, Jan. 31,

1935, v. 27, no. 1362, p. 126e-f.

Application of integral eąuations to aeroplanes* statics, by A. Grzedzielski and R. Seredyński. Warszawa, Sprawozdania, Instytut Badań technicznych lotnictwa, 1935, no. 1, p. 5-43. illus., tables. (In polish and french)

fitude des prisraes reposant sur une base compressible, par PI. Bordier. Le Genie civil, Paris, July 28, 1934, v. 105, no. 4, p. 82-86.

Nouveaux procedes ałetude de la distribution des deformations elastiąues dans les pieces metalliąues soumises a des ef-forts exterieurs, par A. Portevin et M. Cymboliste. La Naturę, Paris, Apr. 1, 1934, no. 2926, p. 299-301. illus.

Einheitliche bezeichnungen in der flugzeugstatik, von A. Teichmann. Z.F.M., Mtinchen, Dec. 14, 1933, v. 24, no. 23, p. 655-60.

Strućtural airplane strength, by A.S. Niles. Western flying,

Los Angeles, Cal., jMay 1933, p. 12.

Notę on the application of Berry functions to the determination of initial stress, by W.E. Dumbrill. Journal of the R.A.S., London, Apr. 1933, v. 37, p. 381-32. diagrs.

Analysis of some typical thin-w&lled structures, by Th. Karman. Transactions of the A.S.M.E., New York, 1933, v. 55, p. 155-58. diagrs., illus.

Principles of similitude as applieó to research on thin-sheet

structures, by J.E. Younger. Transactions of the A.S.M-E.,

New York, 1933, v. 55, p. 163-69.

La te developments in airplane stress-analysis methods and their effect on airplane structures, by Richard C. Gazley. S.A.E. Journal, New York, Sep. 1932, v. 31, no. 3, p. 345-55. illus.

Mohr theorem and some extension applied to determination of re-actions, fixing couples, etc., by C. E. Larara. Structural engineer, London, Apr., May., June 1932, v. 10, no. 4, 5, 6, p. 182-91; 217; 270.


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