Gen.S. presented the problem of t.he Southern base for speciąl fli.phts to Poland. The ba.se was at preąęnt in Tunisia. ’It *s ‘transfer -to Italy would shorten the way to Poland by 800 mil es. Sen. A. sald that Gen.Gubbins had already reoeived a ba.se at Uonopoli. He did not laiow SKactly whether 3igy.haAxttar. >. Gubbins had the exciusive uśe "of this base already* ■kn ery .b^yg-yer* that^jdj^oiróg- woula be-
^ Gen . sald i.t waa vital Ibr hin to ,hav:e an airrfield in Italy, so ae to make fuli lise of the Pececiber r.o.on period for flights to Poland. He desctibed the activities of the Se.cret Ariny end Łts needs, as well as itłg-iinportance to the generał Allied war effort. Gen.A. said the ąuestion of* airfield came imde* Air Chief Marshall Tedder. He would convey to him gen;S*s reouest.:! ^ V
6. Gen .S.asked if he could obtain so.ie light Gertiań equipęieBt which
. the Allies took as booty. Gen.A.said large quantities had been taken in-Tunisia. They had be en handed over to British.ai^thorities i. He was surę gen.Gubbins disposed of consider.ble.ouantitięc. Gen.S. explsined that he wanted such weapops as mortars, light
A.T. guns ets. The secret Aróy in Poland could eanily get hol-d .of German awurition for them. He had men v/hoa could ćarry out smali repairs cf.such weapons. Gen.A. Bftid thereought not to be gręat difficulties in obtaining. smali ąunętitiee of theee weapons.-' Uow in Italy. their booty was not very lar^e. He v;as surę gen.Gubbins cóuld ireet gen.S^s needs-.