CARI. MUTCHUfiR Another magnifkent eaample of ihr right method# nf irain-ing. The*e *plendid front and back view» of Mr. Mutchlcr indicatr thr Hrr-culean łyp* of muwle* and strcngth, my pupiU dcvclop. Thi* bravity muicled athletc bu* heca called upon to givc a numbcr uf rshlbilbm* nf «trcngth and «Ui!l. A* a re-• ule of my training bp « naw in popular dnnnnd pwing for New York’* bwt wulp-tor* and artiłt*.
Carl Mutchlcr ha* pmed for illtatratinnn in vnriou* hralth Maga^inm. 'Hic publbhrn of Health JuurnaU rrcognize tbe pbydcal aupcrioriiy of my puptK and u*e them to demotntr.ite and make Inter* citing and elear their hettltli aniele*.