- 33 -

records of their trials with the supenrising scientists. During this period* the Commodity Coordinators would also be responsible for organiaing any special in-service training.

The timing for the planning of the irrigated crop program would follow a different Schedule* adjusted to sowing times under irrigation.

4.11 Assurances were obtained at negotiations (para. 6.01) that INRAN*8 intemal procedures for research programming would stipulate: (a) detailed description of coordination and approval procedures with local eztension staff for all on-farm research and farm surveys in the annual research programs and protocols; (b) the establishment of national and regional research management and technical committees which would be set-up not later than December 31* 1990; (c) the obligation for researchers to set aside a portion of their time for training of eztension staff.

Administratiye and Pinancial Operations

4.12    During the project* INRAN would prepare a budget by program for

which the department directors* program heads* and also* the center directors would be responsible. It would be supported and monitored by the Directorate for Admini8tration and Finance.

4.13    At the regional level* administratiye and financial management will be carried out by the Chief for Adminlstration and Finance (CAF) of each research center. The CAF would be the regional representative of INRAN*s administratiye and financial director; he would support* for all corresponding tasks, the director of relevant centers.

4.14    Intemal and eztemal budgets. INRAN will have to distinguish between the intemal budget* intended for management control* and the eztemal budget* used for negotiations with the Kinistry of Finance and for a priori control.

4.15    The intemal budget will maintain the current generał budgetary outlinę which allocates ezpenses by type. The budget will be broken down by research programs and regional centers. A systematic analytical codification system will have to be put in place and adhered to by all managers.

4.16    The eztemal budget will be a simplified version of the intemal budget. The budget paragraphs corresponding to operations might include at most 4 or 5 linę8 — for personnel ezpensess salaries* bonuses* overhead* travel ezpenses* miscellaneous; and for operationst fuel* tools* goods consumed and seryices* unskilled labor* and miscellaneous.

4.17    For morę flezibility in INRAN*s financial managementt (i) funds would be allocated (by tranches) to the research teams into regional bank accounts belonging to each center* managed under the dual administratiye responsibility of the team* 8 leader and of the CAF who will yerify that procedures and budgetary allocations have been adhered to. Monthly accounts will be sent to headquarters for consolidation; (ii) the regional administratiye and accounting services should be kept continually informed of the ayalibility of funds; (iii) the basie budgetary units (research programs* centers) should receive the monthly accounting statements


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