Sooday. October 4. MU Tim©s.Kcwv T*<* F411*.
CHICAGO — The llrcman is U yturs bid. be hos io v*ar* on ihc Joli. a w*c. thrtc kida. ind J>cJs hoh*, waliton lor thtothcr shoclodrop
* lic ks one of ihc almou 400 CW««o lircmcn V»t»o hn* tcen ordered lo rooue bark kilo Ihc dly from the luUirl* cr cficlw flrcd
rUke ihc ethere. hc U pfwiy ;vJj *rwd mad ai cham! s the fCOC Hattou Ihat louchrd off ihc Iroubłc with a flnky«tpo* k>©hęfj ren xmi
• \Sherc In the heli do tta* istards llvc?" hc sald.
iłn>! obout Ihc pcoplc ul Hic JT/stallon.
! W. the news dfrcetoc M phanncl 5 - hb Apartmcnl prepared Ibc Hory - IHys In GIcococ
• Thul flgures." Ihc finnw.n iKl ' Ile docin i u-jm us ro Wx In any suburli. Ikii hc llves
one Ihal nonc ot en rcukl fcflord If we wanlcd lo ; In fairoess. I toftd him. the f*DC v«cr prrMcnt andsfeffc*> manager ltvcs In Ihc dly - In 6nc ol Ihcuc npomhc aport* fomments ln ihc John Hancock fciUcr.
• "Surc." Che (treman Hałd f l*d lovt llvtag In Ihc dly. tou. t I couW a I fccd lo Hvc m a 5 «tf» rUc on Michigan Aw.ue But I d lOtr llus SOB lo go fJnd ** a houoc IrCan afford In a 4kt neigkhorhood. BcJicyc 7». I Wód- *
• 7hc fircman hod Hvcd ln the Chicago nclgh’>orhood hc grew ijplnumilaboutoycorigo.
I yl tovcd ihc ndfihUwhood. I WvTd Ihcrc all my llfc. Bul ihrn li started gofcig bod wttn iJccfWc gettlng shot In ihc alley i|hllc mv wite mm alonc and I « i
u ak at u cek Rcmcmhrr uhm I go lo wortc o! i a m. I*m not going to be homc agaln imtil • o m ihc ocal day Emy Ihlrd nlghl. my wite Km lo hc homc
Td be hoppy lo IIvc In Edgebroek or Saugonash or any of tboac olher >dld neigp-borhood* But I )ust don'l havc (hal klnd o! moncy Tho** arv
mcniVnt»t—50 - -- rrc .000* - bnmes ~up
ihc wmc oi for a guy uf» fut* o 9-toSJob
•*Thc schoots started gcUuig Bad: li wasn*t iofc (er my kids lo play oulHdc l had lo movc “I wanlcd lo Hay m ihc cny. x> I łookcd for a hnuw I rouid afford
"Thal i when I run trio red-lining. Vć po lo Ihc wning} and loan> and Ihcy nouidn i looch anythlng ncor a ndghJarhuod could olford And ihc Muff Chc>* sald thcy'd go wllh mc now. tbcy d naril 50 per ceni do^n. Surc. I moonlHiM. lwi thcrc’4 no uay | codd afford to comc up llh that kind of moncy: "So 1 ncnl Mhęrc I could gd a mortgage I could livc uHh. and H wu In the wtburtn.
•*I llvcd .n lhot mrlph* borhood all my llfc. I had cvcrylhlng I cvcr wanlcd In my housc. II was a Inwcdrocm framc. fn the suborb* K would havc tiecn worth Sio.000. maybc wsooo.
•*l don*l know uhat Tm godng lo do MW. If I »c!l my hoaic and movc bock lo the dly. Tm golng lo hc bock tn Ihc **ving* and loans and lhey‘rv ping to be głvłng mc Ihc nd-lming rouHne/*
rRcd-immg U the phrau? uscd lo detenbe the prąci lec oi Chicago lcndlng Imlltullons In rcfuslng lo gram loans for ncłghborhoods they havc dccidcd ort rltky. The In-stllutlods. howcYtr. nerer -refusc lo acccpt Ihc «vtngł of ihc pcoplc w ho llwr In ihcsc ncłghborhoods.
The fłreman went on: “Surc.
| FILER — A itumbcr of new [books agaln hnve bccn added lo •the Filer City Library. oc-•cording to Mn. F. E. A*»łn tllhrarian.
I Ftctloo books Includc “I. •James McNcłll WMstlcr."* {WlMams; -AUanUc Fmy." Slnncs; • Miss Plnkcrton." JRtnehort; "Collfomla Sła^." •Busch; •'The Far Slde o< Jlome." Davis. and "The V*V>c ■and Ihe Musie." Barrcll J Noc-flciJon lódudcs "Cold ł>vcr." Wilson: **Vou and I •YeHerday." M. Holmes; Thls .‘U My Life.” Bjom; * Pcoplc V$ JRlulchcr.- Asinof; SccreU ind Sptes Bchind the Sccnes of JWorld War »/• Rcaders S)lgcst; ‘ The Arolsted Affalr.M pdarialn; -Nadie?: The First •Mn Hemingway.- Sokołoff; .*The Cooking of Ccrmjoy.-;ilazdtoa; -The Cook mg of >'łcnna's Empire." Wesch* Jenr; "Rcclpcs: Wkws and Splrlls/* Time. Inc.: ."Redpes: The Cooklng of plenna." Time. Inc.; "Com* prchmUvc Rurol Waler ind Sewerage Plarming Siudy." łTNMa#Fills County). Idaho IWfltcr Rcsourcc Bdard: “An pnher.Uncc of Pociry" Ad phrad. and ‘ Encydopedlo. of Organc Gardcnlng." Rodale.
• Junior flcllon Includet }!Ccme on Seablfcult." h<body;
.• Serub Dog of Alaska."
•Kawik," Morcy; The ly. of A Crinly."
------“Show Dog."
X>efgaard; ••Ctttiy Ilonę. " parci; •‘The PHI," flra*fova; “Flornharls,"
! FILER - Paula Lancaster. Iscntor ac ner High School. bas hccn not i fi cd thol she to to be ?cah*cd In the cighth arruH cdi bon of Who*s Who Amsng Umcrican High School Uludents
j Shc l» the daughter of Mr. •and Mn. Thanc Lancaster. •ner, and to aclive In Khoot land efiurcft functions.
J She to a mcmtocr of Ihc •American Junior Quorler Silone Assodatlon and musie IcJubs where she to also adKe
• She has rcccłvcd numerous Ciorscmonshlp awardt. IcrtJllvc wrlllr.g awards and
JmuŁic awards
• In additlon lo hawng her •h^graphy publtshcd. ihc will korrpete for one of 1# Itehearship awards fundcd by •the publlshcrs wio wUl be lo* «vitcd lo pMfldpato ln the Jflrm a anooal aurvey of high ;ach!cvcrs
• Miss Lancaster piani to ■ottened the Unlrerslty of jHava.'ł, Honolulu. Oahu. lo J sludy medldnc.
Paylon; ••Lltllc Dickens. Jaguar Cul>." Bechc: "Jim Starllng and the Cofoncł." Hłldish; -Comc Takc My Hond." Munacn: "The llousc on ihc Dunes." Sears; "Nunc of Ihc Ozarfcs." I^ogsdon
Non-flcllon books Jor Juatort an? “So You Want To Hc o Maglclan?" Wbite; "Know About Drugi." Hyde; "Moklng Cosiumes for Partio. Playi and HoHdfyS.- Wane. and •‘Pocket Prlmer of Parliamentory Procedurę." Sterenson.
A cash gin was ghtn lo the library front Mn Edgar Vlnccnt In honor of Mrs. Albert Djgsdalc. Bradford. Mass Anyonc wishing to remember a lovcd one or frtend may send thelr glfto to Mrs Mae Hentil or lea ve them a< che llhrao'.
Library houn orc from 3 lo 6 p.m. Mondoy. Frkfoy and Saturday.
Ihcrc. ldon'l makelhal k ndof moncy. cvcn wllh my moonlighling.
••\Vha| g«t* me to Ihal nonę of Ihto wtnild haic b^ppcncd If R waśn i for Ihal TV program. The department knew* Ihcrr wert? pi>s llving out of Urno. but they knew wity. so lhe>’ lonkcd Ihe olher uay. Ftar a chcap story. Ihcy mess up so many pcoplc. You’d Ihktk we w\tl* crooks or somrlhlng
"1‘d llkc lo baw thol guy** wifc. Ihc one who llvcs In Ihc Hancock, sil down and tdl my
Dialogue slated at church
TW1N FALLS - Dr Paul H. Irwln. Oaremont. Callf.. will conduci a lwtvdoy uorkshop Mondny and Tucsdoy at Ihe First United Mclhodisi Church.
Rcv. Ray A. Thompsoo. hast pastor, sald the session* wUl lic cniHIcd -In Dłologue w.»th Scripiurc." Ocrgy and any InicTcstcd iaymen from alt dcnomlnatlons Ihroughoul Southern Idaho orc Imlied. hc sald.
Dr. Irwln Is professor cmerkus of rrllglous eduealion ol the Clarcmont School of Theolog)* wtłcrr ho laughl from I05C until minóg ln I97J The Twłn Folii classes will lic held In Ihc Fint United Mclhodisi Church from 9:50 o.m. lo5:50pm.
The professor'* eduealion fndudes sludy at Dkrkcnson College. Crcalcr Theowogical Scmlmry. Columbia Unlvcrslfy and Union Theotogtcal Scmlnary.
Musie club
TWIN FALLS - Officers of Che Robert Stuart Junior High School Mulic Club havc bccn Instoltcd. Mrs. Edward LaaL< odvlscr. sald Fnday.
Mrs. Albert E. Allen, prcildcnt of ihe Junior Musie Club advHem. offlcloled ai ihc mceling. Ciody Laats is prcstdcni ; Lerann Un-derwood. vice presidem: Belh Allen, sccrctsry. and Shclly Stephenson, trcawrer.
Memhcrs plan lo bold a bakcd goods sole laicr In the ycor. The ne*l mcci Ing will be Oct. 14 at ihc schód musie room.
w1fe why chto was in Import ani Hory l'd llko her lo cspljfn lo my wHeJust how socłcly Kany bclter off If she was lo he *carcd w hen *hc henr* shootk^rtnTheoileyan af.i' and Im on the olher Mc ci town|w*!t!ngoul o flrv.
ŁIU tr€I yuu Ihto. II Ihcy go Ihrough utlh Ihto. Ih<y're golng lo Une lomc Irouhie The guys In Ihe dcpąrtrmnl arc mad ashdl."
Tbcy'ir golng Ihrough wllh II A baliailon chief. SI yrore o!Id. w v hit with l iwo-monlh suapenslon Thursday. w uh no poy. The punishinetti was jiandcd out cvcn Uiough hc sold hto hocoe In Arllngton llc^gtits and motrd l»ack Into Cbk-ago.
Channcl S ga%x- cRjr hall tbc ctcuscTI has bccn looklng for lo lenn on the Ort men. The mo>t>r want* Ihcm ln Ibc dly bccau^c hc wanto eRy workom Tlvii>ff^hcrv INry canljcia-uscd for poliucol purpotoa
One ot ihc Ihkigs Ihe llmm-n flnd ironie atu* Ihc Htuallon to IhH ihe T%' rrporter wtw did ihc story u?cd lo hc a flrtman
MrmHf. unIH__hc ywmiww
•'uml4<d into hto preseM ><#*.
And whcrv d:d be livc »n his
fircmand.iyv* . rtcall.
ln a suliurti. lito «dd l.uddlcs # Oh. whi«t rinksmanHilp.
* * .LI
Grlnd your own iłono ground flour «r* ALtO HAVB IN STOCK . . .
•U TM KM AT . . .
837 MAIN AVE. W. 733-8311
In Bunks of 20 ..
Bankardł Walcoma
Seorwi of donomlnotlont clolm to bo the Trv# Church — eon we tollf Is the church Importom. Doot It moko ony dlHoroncof
Whero eon ono flnd the purftty of tho fofth of JotutT Whet or# tho Identtfyiag morki of God^t Irue pooplot
Whet obout iowolotlon 12:17?
Whero eon ono Rud rool opoatolk foUowshlp?
ToaJ[hVs Trmlope on H>e YatJcao ad SI Pttar's heilc pronptly at 7:15 PJI.
Addlson Avo. Eatl u *