Sport s

Texas grinds past-Washington 35-21

Sunday. Odobc^ 4. tt)4 Times Maws. Twin flaonó 27

Mon zon decks Mundine in—7th to retain niiddleweiglit title

rrllrrmmt dunng mcmi -jnonthte

AUSTIN. TKX iUPII -Kreshmon fullhack J!orl Camphcll Ihundcrcd for 125 yards and OHO touchdoun Soturday lo tend a potciit Tcxaj nnhlng otlack o\xr possmlndtd Washington .15-21 The Longhoms. uho fou^it lo contałn thr lluakle*' poasing gamc threoghaut the first half. controtled the bali for II ml/i uf es of the third period uh Mc Camphrlt ml led up Ml y unii and Trui pucdwd the gamc out of reach.

Flve tfiffcrml Te«a* pta.wr* figured In the KOring Qtort<*rtMck Marty Akm. aUAmcrlca fullback Honwrw-lt U*aXv and fmhman Jlmmy Walker all occounted for lz*łfhxim scofvs ln the flrM haJf.

Akln galmd 4Sof the 70 yards Ibe Lnngfwrns inarchid lor

Ihctr flrd sewre. nUiking the finał lo on an oplion pi.iy. Ixoka. rccoitrtng from koce surgtry. played iiehlnd Camplirll jNid SOfcd fnwn the one. Walker rond Ihrw yanb» for imother Tcxa% *eorv

Washington kepi It riroc In the firsl half oci twt> touchdoun pasm from Chris Rowlond to tlghl end Roiiln Bart fn»m 4« and 22 yard* out.

Grały n Wy alt eapped a GGyonL third period drive for Texas. then Campiult hanged Ihrougli the Washington defemr for 44 yard* of a (Sy ord Longhom dftvc. punchlng the finał one yard on his fmirth tr> from thal dbtiMt.

Iton Olson kepi the lliwkir*’ hopc* llht In the third period, plcking off a pa\% from /Vkln at the Tcxa5 JO. ond racing down the *k)ellne for a score


-Carloa.^lonioo.ot -\rpuunu knocked out T«*ty Mundlnr of Australia In the Kcn-nlh rxmmI Saturday night lo ret o In Ilu-World floslng A>vkJuIi«mi mlddlcueight en mu

The knockiNd In Ikr rasy title dcfensc. Momon’sitCUi. tamę aftrr 1:30 of the murKl ot the end of a scrles of tiknrs |n the heiid that mimhcd thr chatlcnger.

Monrmi saki aner the figlu that hc foitoutd the lo-struetłons of hh marv»ger, Amllca Druu. to fii^i slowly and walt for the rlght moment *•

He sald u hen that AMnent orrlvcd hc iMundtnei Ml In hłmscJI **

Monrmi then soki hr wnuli! Ilkc to iight Hadrlg- Ydta nl Colomlila. the Werki Ifcncing Cottncil middlewelghl

ctuunplon. Jf Jt ti&it tvUć U*

iirrira^cd ^jHocc Ute md or the year."    '

Motuno Iwm lwu tatklng of

MuiuJine. 2t. np^iKd the fiKhl .iggrrs.M%rly. uith Mi •mmi

lKKk|iefLi|iiig TMs was ln mnlrast willi ttw y«ung dUlHatp^ |>rr\ ftuudy icalud

BYII falis m bu/y.rr 31-33

KORT COI.I.INS. Colo »cni - CotoriMh Stole <|UjrtcrtMck Mark DriMidl p:ivM d for lour touchdiwus. inchidicig a IVyarder ln llanke Wlllir Miller on the la*t pta> ot Ihc gamc. to gnt? CSC A :tvti Re with Western Athlcflc Confcrcnec for llrlgham Yauitg t *ni\xTsMy Saturday* The polni ofltr louchdnwn atlempt t»y Clark Kcmhtc was so close that It lot* rricrtsrs II mmuics to rułe u no g«uMl Kemble »\so UMid hrkt goals fn>m 24 and TO yartb. the tost a scIkmiI record. and klckcd Ihne pobiisaftcr In thr gnmc plans la May a w u> lam ih£ :y year.uld—tbarnptun.^ai _ ibe-

Ugmnlng uml ho|M- lo u rur hlmdnun

IMh ftghlrr> Ikrgafl In thr seism<l round and Moiunn e«miHX'te<! u||||| a

M*rH*x ol stomotti and tace

shnfn tiul Inn klcd jnr1po<ppid .\fuiiilifu* :»l the end nl Ihc third *9f*    ... *

Mamon pacing ^fcłnsell. mnllnuctl |n Inok far op»nUigs by thr on gry challcfiiirr ond Not I cred Mimdlne wiu\ seitrat comlnat*»ns at thr end o4*lb«* slxth round

Tulce savcd hy tlmriy Mfc., Mundlnc llnolly leli after a

ClunyfTom the ehamphn

Mundlnc had Ihc <4iamp)« agalmt Ihr mpcs semat Mmcs durtng Ihc tlghl »mt his Uaus dkl not krem to tiothcr Mncuon

The champion had eon f-dcmly pri-dicted a knodMut vlctor>. and smitnt cockMy iieriirethcftidłt titgarł

DOUBLE STRBTCH Is appłlcd to Tcxos A amd M ąuartertłack Davld Walker by Kansas* Les Dames u ho cilngs lo a handful or sklrt ond one iaJOc. Kansas upset the fourth rankcd Aggics2S )0 <UPI tclephoi

pKansas knocks Texas A-M from lunbeaten list in 28-10 uoset

Just suppose it were yourjob

wpaw*. fllppcd scodnR strikc* Sof Ol and rwne yards In the Sccond holf Soturdny. J^ropclllng Hanus to a 2B-10 ■ppset vtcio«y o\xr fmirth* Sankcd and prcvlouM> un* SŁeatcn TckamAAM.

ZZ McMiehari. the Ii* Etghft 3B"*slng and totai offense jjfader. hroujd* the Jnyhauk*

from bchftod a pou to Emmctt Edward* wilh 43 scconds len In thr tlitrd Ouortcr. That ulpcd mit i» !• 7 A4M Icad.

Edwnrds. u ho had to uM Ir* the pas* cought the hall on the A AM JO. tldótcpprd dcfcnsfvc haJfhack Jomc* Danich .md tcampered toto the cod zanc untouchcd.

Mduay ihrourii the |aunh period. AlrM parter finek

Datrld Walker m;idr a ponf pilchom on the slwry ^ tlficl.il turf land KOON» end Dean 7a*M iwtnd os the Cadel*‘44

Moticn Miller, the futlluck ubo i5» the IttK Klgh«‘» leadmg rushrr. Marud the ritnctMng drtvc with o ItMonJ run to the AlrM 25 Krom the ninc. Me Mtchacf found Miler alt alone In the fiat and the Stfpntmdcr w.tłkcd the las! lun yard* fnr Ihe score with t:»to gn

=Buffs outlast Falcons

•onlsscd a SO-yard alt cm ni m the

JLuTon. who brofce hk owił IŁhool record u-tlh a fiO-yord JJJcId gnat In the hnd quartcr.

ctoslng MCOMh uhlch wtmM have ffiTC* Air Kurce a urn.

The Katoni abo.ncorcd on ^ 16-ynrd pxa from Ken limtghci to Doli Kar In the arcand cjuuricr and a JSTariWyitr Km Word runs ln I e »ccond hall. Air Koree pfclRd up a SAfety with 4:11 to plav w hen Colorado panter Stan Kol cdii ran tut ot the cod iw to&lcJd of trylng to kle* lalo tlie Mlff wind.

The pBOr marted the end ol

the Colorado-Air Koree serie*, as Air Koree oflkUilv ulu* luov ux*i only 4 ot ttR IG mcctiitg* betuecii Ilu: t*vo schoot*. cancclkd Ibr finał lwu cont rod edga mes    *    *

Colorado touk u 21-3 firsl ąuarier lead m MUlams ran 44 sarda to cap thr Bufts' gamę opemng drlve and Ofler Imw^on mado lii* record set ling hocal. Waddy licokc ioo%c lor a 157 yard teochdnwit run

etectri* ;P for oiisu* ares

|V-State struggles jpast Wyoming 16-10

Montana stops Weber 24-13

—LAKAMIK. Wyo ilIPH -3Crlrono State rpiarterhack iBcnnls Sproul thrvw a Gl-yard Suchdown pais to winglmck ■MoiiIi Owm* and dlvcd in Som one yard out

Som one yard out ond SftcclalM Don Kudi kkkcd n UJ-yard fłctd poal to gvc the ytn L)cvUs a lir 10 Western Shtetlc Confertnee win over Slyoming

JJjWyomlng. plopucd hy ■femhłc*. pot Itslouchdown on a Sie-yard run hy fullhnck SBohhlc Wright In Ibe llrrt ■Wrłod Quartefhack Rtek 3fastello klckcd a 0*yard field

3>al (or the only odicr Cowłioy

•■Artrofui Siatę, ki only Its

'. ura&

Sreond win at l-aramk* r jęc?wx*d hy the MjMnradcfCfWĆ

but took ovanlnpcnf Wyoming mktflkcn and rewered %\x (A the Omhoyf 10 fumlikw. ASlf also InCcrccptcd one CMdlo pask. ASU Imt hm tl fnur fumłdcs.

The Sun Dcvi!s‘ fint teon* In the opentng period on SproulY onc-yard run eapped a acYcnploy drivc thnt went 45 yards. KuJTo mtcmpicd point* af ter w as widc to the rl^til

Kush ca mc huk la the iccond pertnd. howewr. with a l»-yard fsdd Wywnlng foreed the Mek with 6 * IHt helofe llłc half liy hoAdmp on after a lumcwcr on Owiim flank er Andy I>ikw*s fwmide Spaw! hM Morris ^ thr third <piartrr for thr fm.it ASU score

^lorida^ passing Iłeats LSU 24-14

—OAINESS IIJJS. KLA. *UPI» mm Kreihman Tony Crrcn

aSored one touchdoun and splil-3pd lxc McC.riff caoghi lwx> 3R) pivei SoTCaday lb Jc.id

LBghihrankcd Klnrida lo a 24*14 S0f>O over liJuHlami Stale

lorld.is flrst touchdoun W on a di yard run hy !cn after a 4X*yard scorlng K la four playt with 6:tM łn the fint ąux1t7.

HTThe gamc then tunied Intn o 3tefcns!vc hotllc wtth ncllhcr Hwn scorlng untll the Galon’ 3Łv id Połey hk a 22-yard field SD with 3:10 left m the third

ggodda quar1crfiack Jlmmy

3Shćr ~hłt McGrfir*w4th a

SCJbrd touchdoun pou w ith 16 lert^ln the third ■jgjrtcr and fołllowtd with an SBćtrifylng 62-yard com-Jglon lo McGrlff In the fourth JJgflod to wrap up the Galon*

SBroimard wored \MT% fint touchdoun on a 2l-vard run

wtlh l:CS Wl In the gamc. cuttlng thr Kłorkto Irad to 17-7. after a drtw covenng 43 yardIn 10 piayt. ISU vacrd agaln on a lAyard pftsa from backup ąuartcfhack Carl Olki Trlmlik* with len than a minutę to play after KtorldJ had the gnmc wrapped up

The be*! ISU cnuld irumoge In the flrst hnlf w*a» a drtvc to the Ftorida Iwo whete Ortega and Green kd the cfinrgc on Ttger quartcrhack Hllly

llrouwird loennhk* the Grtors to takc o%xr en downv

Runy Jackwm trted a 40-yard M p»t with 14 scconds Ictt ln the half whlcti sailcd widc In the 2SIOEC an hour' wind pat* that rakcd FWrfda Field

The vlctci> vit the Łwtfth-for the undeJcatcd Gilorm. w ho arc olmhR for a shsrc of the SoutheaMern Conferencc crown for the fint timc dnec they hreame charter mcmtierw ot the SEC 41 ycan ago

IIOZKMAN. Mont. •DPIl — Montana Stole tullhocfc Stcve Krachcr ron for three louch-dowm and IW ymfct to Icod the IMtcnlN to u 44*21 Biy: Sky Coofercncc win Soturdoy «nvr Northern Artzono.

Kracher sen red on nnw of to. IS .ind 12 yords. otl In the f!n4 half. os MSU scored 21 point.% In the second (|uarliT to alay ohc.id for ccod Bolicat quar1crlKKk Miko TXinJwir. fłock Irom młsdng laM ueck s ftime wtth* a fthouldcr Ir^ury. threw. iwo touchdoun ptftrt — one ol 24 yard* to Kostne Schmidt, and n sreond from 10 yards out to spin md Brten Flaige MSU *mnv*d 4M0 yntk m total offense. tnclucDru: XVI yard«onlbr>irnund. _

.Tl?0. tumhcr|ad»B madc o M*cnńd Kalf Nd lo Rct łiack Ińto the Hanie. trailinH 34-7 In tfic third ąuarlcr. Ia4 NAU

f|uortcr1fcack Onrtcj lfclm>

pot them only *4 pointa nu o palr of inuchdown (ttuw The win upped Xt«cil.in.i Slatc*x ncjnl to W. NAU I* notr 2-2. Hoth leams are I-I In HlHSkypla)


Norii) Arizona

MISSOU1-A. Mont. lUPIl -The Montaiwł GnuHcn jumpii! lo a 244) lead ftn the thlnl qu*r1cr and then hełd o|f Weber SI ale for a 24*1:1 win Snturdny ki the Big Sky Con-ferrnce upcitcr for Ijoth tcjnv* Montana rpartcrtx>ck Rork Svennu*igsen scorrd hit f łrtt of Iwo toochdowTis. runnlng In from tlirre yards out In tbc* openłng minutę*, and Boli Smith raced 10'yards o»‘Uh* Grizzllct led 14-0 at the cud of the fint cjunrlcr.

. Svc'nnun|p<ii then *cor<«d on o 12 yard scampcr ln the third quorliT. and Bruce Cud son — wdio had klckcd alt three cxlrn pointa — liootcd a 31 yard field goaJ to make II 240 for Mon tana

X fs bccn wel) cstablishcd that incrcasing amounts of clcctric power will be rcquircdforourarca. lt\bccauscof growth. Newpeopłcand ncw businesses arc moving in. lis bccauvc of incrcascd clcctric usc by prcscni cusiomcrs — ncw familics. ncw babics. ncw homes. lt’s bccausc of convcrMons from ofhcr forms of cncrgy to cłcctricity. convcrsion which conforms to national goals. Knowing morc clcaricity musi be pro-vidcd. how would you get it?

Would you build hydro plants?

Ovcr the ycars Idaho Power Company has built ancfficicnt nctwork of hydft>clcctric power plants. but no ncw large hydro sites prcscntly an: a va i labie to us.

Would you build nuclear plants?

Were we lo iniiiaic plans for a nuclear power piani loday. it would be i wclvc ycars or morc before il would be working to providc for our clcctric nccds. We can‘t wait that long. If timc were not a factor, cost would be, asyourclcctrie co.sts would be substantially

Would you go geothermal?

The tcchnology is not dcvc!opcd to build the hugc plants for today\ clcctric nccds utilizing geothermal. solar or othcrcxotic cncrgy sourccs. *

Would you build coal plants?

Obviousiy. coal is the answer to our cncrgy nccds for the ycars immcdiatcly ahead. Coal is the nation‘s mosc abundani fossil fuol. Eastem Utilities arc bcing cncouragcd by the Fcdcral Energy officc to cbnvcrt from'gas and oil tocoiil by utilizing the same typc of dcsirablc Iow sulfur coal that is available to us from neighboring States.

Idaho Power Company has always bccn able to provide the electricity you need. With your help and understanding9 we 7/ keep ii that: way.

Idaho Power Company


Your quasUona or oommtnU an inyftod. Cali your łoca I managor or wrłta:

Public Information Da part mani. Idaho Powar Company. Sox 70. Boi aa. Idaho S3721


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