HOURS of work went Into the constnictlon of the Twin Falls 4-11 Builders Club Idobo Prldc display. Juilc Elscnhnuer. Twin Falls, ndds a few flnłshing touchcs to the d.splny
beforc mcm bers set It up In town as part of the observoncc of National 4>H weck bcginnlng Mondny.
Garden i iii* ti/ts
(Conłinuod from p. 3)
(juestion nox
QUF-STlONOFTUM WKFK: W.S. of Twip Falls: "We raiscd sonie nice_toi:uitocs.:ind.xvinlfi~—sgtmsh-tlńs-ycar.-
but <lo not know lum lo storo Ułom. List year onr opions <l»l not kecp noII, and we wonder wlulean bo tlono to kcop lliem longer during the wlntcr/*
One rejLson why onions do not kcop well — they nrc linrvcstcd beforc they getn chanco to maturo. Onions aro maturę when Uic tops fali over.
After puiting lliem Trom the soU. they should bo left in liiosun for 7 to 10day.< for drydngjinil yuring._
After culting tc*>s off (leave onoinch of słoni on tlić bulb) and place on a slnttcd era te nr In conrso mesh bags. and storę al nround -10 degrees for a cotiple of wceks. Somę pcoplc put a fan on them to hasten drying.
drem Thuiub
Thls year many growers tell us thclr "hamburg" onions have brown insides. and port of the onion Is "slippcry.” Baclcrinl-soft rot is a eommon causc of stipperyness. and rlght now lherc*s not muchyou can donbout It.
Ncxtycar dclay harvcśt until the tops arc complctely dlcd down. Also, apply sevcral sprnys of Msneb during the lattcr half of the growlng scason.
Wintc* . quosh and pumpkins should be pickcd beforc a hcavy frost. The sec ret of long storage wlth thcsc vcgctablcs Is to cut the stem from the vinc, sińce squash or pumpkins wlthout a stem will not storę well.
They should be horvcstcd nf ter they have dcoclopod the righlcolor for the varicty, and a hord rind. Storage should be-ln a dty place ot room temperaturę.
C.G. of Shoshone: "Plcose tell us how to storę hcrt»s. We ralscd a lot of them thfs year."
Drled herbs can be tled In hunches Iły thclr słems and placcd In brown. paper hags to sepnratc the varłcllcs. After flvc or slx wćcks of storlng. ll»cy will he crlsp dry and rcady for Processing. .
.. Simply rcmovo- the lenvc?f by rolling the bags iń yóiir ’ hands and UghUy sqiipczlhg them. When all the k*aves have fallón to the bottom of the ling. removc by taklng as fcwllttlcbllsofstcms and forelgn innUcrnsyoit eon.
Storo the elenned !covcs In nir-tight eonialncrs. The woody stems left ovcr can hesavcd to Ir? tled into lunullcs to Ih? uscd latcras fragrant kliKilłng In the flreplace.
Indoor drylng of herbs can be dcnic tn an attic. or garage, nway from dirccl sunllght.
4 Tlmcs-Nows, Twin. Fali*/ Idaho Sundoy. October 6. 1974
1 GOOD SELECTION 1 ■ •___•. • m | |
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DFA SLEEPERS 1 O W AS 1 199°° 1 |
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