1»!' *»


Ford’s pardon    mer ci


WASHINGTON — God was cltcd four tlmcs und his; conscicnce mcnlloncd thrlcc on thc Sunday morn/ng Wiat Presldcnt Ford onnounccd his exploslvcly controvcrxlal dcci slon to pardon Richard Nixon.

Earlicr that m om Ing, thc Presldcnt hod attcndcd thc 8 o.m. scrvlcc of Holy Communion (no sermon) ot the "Church of thc PrcsJdcnts," St. John's Eplscopa] Church, Lofaycttc Squarc, just ocross the park from thc Whitc Housc. /

At 11:05 n.m. Ford dclłvcred what is now known la many ąuarters as "The Sunday Punch" — the immunity-in-ndvancc cxtcndcd to his predcccssor In San Ciem en tc.

Ford’s Eplscopa! rcctor, thc Rcvcrcnd William Dols of Immanuol-On-Thc-Hill In Alcxandria, Vlrglnia was os stirpriscd as almost cvcryonc dsc in thc natlon — cxccpting the person whomay wdl be thc ncw President *s number one morał guide.

Philip Buchcn, Ford’s.lifc-long frlcnd and now Whitc Housc Counsdor w ho has bocn elcvalcd to Cablnct ronk. spent Labor Day weekend in top sccrcl legał Jfly,.P?iił»nllonS-lO-dctcrmlnc..aLhlS-clicnL!sj:cqucst._any_ possiblc prcccdcncc for prcstdenlinł pardon prior to łndietment.

In Grand Itaplds, Dr. Dunenn Uttlcfair. Buchcn*s pastor ot the Fountain Street (non-dcnominationol) church was quotcd by thc Ncw York Post in dcscribing Buchcn as:

"One of thc most Influcntial mcm bers — one of thc łcadcrs In the church’s philosophicnl scarch for world-

wlde humanlsm ... he could sit down with any Ph.D. nad dcal with hlm on his own lcvcl on morality, politlcs, rcłlgion and socłai conccms."

Other porlshioners of thls church agrcc with his imprcssivc assessment of Buchcn ’s philosophical and thcologlcnl prowess.

But Counsclor Buchcn, despite thesc crcdentlals. tomented: "I wlsh I wcrc a bcltcr student of thc ethies for morality of mcrcy" when he wos asked during a press confcronce about thc morality of Ford's pordoning of Nixon.

fnside Reliizion

- "I donT think an act of mcrcy can cvcr be untłmcly." rcpłicd Buchcn, when asked about the fact that Ford — only ten days carłlcr — told thc press confercnce that just such a pardon wouid be "unwlsc and untlmcly.'" (Enrlłcr, _whcn Ford.was-a.nomincc for-Vico-Prcsldcnlrhe told the Sennie when asked about such a Nlxon pardon: "I don*t think the pubłic wouid stand for lt.*‘) llcncc I asked Buchcn: "W;ls thc President NOT mcrciful ten days ago when he sald thls was untimcly? Wos thc President jacklng In mcrcy when he told thc cnmmlttcc that thc American pcoDlc woutdn*t stand Tor it? What enused hlm to beso suddenly mcrciful?" Buchcn: "I wlsh you could come up hcrcand explain thc

. theory of incrcy. You can probably do a much better Job thon I eon." He added that he dldnt bclleve that Ford knew he could pardon-ln-edvonce untll afler hłs flrst prcsidenlial press confercnce.

Had thls "wlsh’' of Mr. Buchcn's bccn moro than npparcntly rhetorlcal (as part of the old tcchniąuc of turning a question bnck on the qucstloncr), there mlght well havc ensued a discussion of such considerations as:

—    Jesus* porąbie of the scrvant who wos forglvcn a great debt — who promptly hod throum Into debtor*s prlson a nelghbor who owed hlm o for smollcr amount (St. Motthew. Chopter 18) — plus "Blesscd are the mcrciful, for they sholl obtaln mcrcy" — thesc ln thc light of repeated and rigid Nlxon refusols to consldcr amnesty regording thc Vletnamcse war.

—    The Hebrew Ideał of Justicc, which motivatcd a young woman in Nozareth to rejołcc: "He hath put down thc mighty from thclr seat and hath cxaltcd thc humble and meek" — Uils ln thc light of co-conspiruior Nixon on his San Clemcntc estate (with $850,000 from the treasury during 1075 proposcd by Ford) — thls W.ille Watergate

- burglars ond olbers arein orschedulcd forprisonr-'-

—    Has Mr. Nlxon yet Ulustrntcd the almost univcrsoI religious vlrtuc of rcpcntancc and ocknowlcdgmcnt of guilt? Undcrstondobly, Presldcnt Ford did not dnim to be extcnding mercy to a sick man. For only doyspreviousIy, Nixon*s son-ln-Iaw Davld Eisenhower brlghtly announced to thc press thut his fathcr*In-Iaw Is "o great natural rcsource** who should be "ln the Sennie.”

Copyright 1974 NnH Ncwip^ysd.

Children need guidance in seeking gender status

Larger do,gs cap turę po

Therc*s a trend cmcrglng. In thc last ten ycurs lorgcr dogs havc rcplaced smallcr ones in four out of fivc cascs. The Irish Setter, St. Bernard, Doberman Pinschcr nnd Labrador Retrlcvcr are now on thc top 10 list, while thc Chihuahun, Pekingese. Pomcrnnlan.



und Boston Terrlcr havc bócn dropped. Tlić loncly, only smoli dog to galn the list is thc Miniaturę Schnauzcr. The_onIy_big dog to drop Is tho Collic — j. nrith a fali from ninth to clcvcnth.

For the second stralghl _..ycar_ .oyerall _rcgislraUon figures were lowcr. Consldcrlng the price of dog food for a St. Bernard, m o y b c t ha t ' s understondoblc. At any rutc, hcre’s how they stand now nnd then:

1.    Poodlc, Poodlc

2.    German Shepherd, German Shepherd

• » 3: Irish SeUer.-Beaglc

r. Benglc, Dachshund

5.    Dachshund. Chlhuahuo

6.    Miniaturę Schnuuzcr, Pekingese

7.    SI. Bernard, Collic

8.    Dobermun Pinschcr, Cockcr Spaniel U.Labrndor Retrłcvcr, Pomcrnnlan

10. Cockcr Spaniel, Boston Terrlcr


Question: Is there any way to register a dog lf you can’t get thc "papeTa” from thc peoplo who sold It* We bóught o lóvcly Ilttlc-Bascnjil from a privatc iiomc at u vcry fair price. Tlić owners assured us thcy’d send the papers ln a wcck or so. U ls now o ycor • Inter, thc dog is rcody to breed, thesc pcoplc hóvc movcd to nnoUier stole and we cun‘l get them to answer our letters. Is there anything we can do to register her ourseUes?

• Answer: I doubt il with all my mlght. I‘m arrald yau*re caught in a vcry old.

Dear Dr. Tliostcson: I :im worried about my son. He is 3. He takes my undergarments (only Ute słlky ones) ;ind pub; them on or Just carries (hem aro and.

I ;im unsurc of how to treat Utis problem and ;uu also wonderłng if (his menns lic has a lendeney toward łiecoming a lninsvestlte. — Mrs s. P.A.

May or moy not presage a problem. Youńgsters will * cross v tlrcssal aynung agc. but thls tisually disappoarś by the ngc of 3 or 4. or soon after that.

IVychologistsmight tell you that sonie of thesc children are "sacking thclr gender stalus." Mabics ;ircn*l born with nn automatic knowlwlgc of whert* they fit inlo socłcty. you know.

But what to do about łt? Hc*sonly .1. and I wouid suggest First of all to keep such cloUiing out of his rench. Prcvcnl U*mpUition.— He -inny—indced;--cnlch - the—hint—nnd -undcrstnnd that such things urenT for boys.

A molher*s attitudc can łutvc a subtlc effcct. Some niothers think il is "cutc" whlch amounls to botli sanction * and cncouragemcnt. So be surc you don'l do that. At thc Sitnie limę. makcita |>olnt to empha-dze his inasculinity.

("You'rc getting to be a big boy now." or praisc for other things he does.)

Don't be too pormissivc in your conlroi ovcr hlm. If he goLs into things he shouldn'1 (includlng your "silkies") tell him they are not for hlm to piny with.

Your husband can play.a quictbut important role. too. by emphasizing mnscuHnity. It sltould be nuturnl. though.

If your son*s present trend continucs. howcvcr. get help from a child guidance counsclor or a child psychiatrist. Trnnsvesllsm eon lend to transscxualism in which a child (knics h‘* gender. ilhat does not mcan homoscxuality, howcvcr.)

Dear Dr. Thosteson: Parcnls who hnvc cspcricnccd thc shock of SIDS 'sudden infaht dcalh symlromc) can wrlte to thc following address and find a chnplor in their aren to help them:

National Foundation for Sudden Infant Dcalh Syndromb, 1501 Broadway. New York, N.Y. — B.M., nn R.N.

1/Dsing an infant that wny is n critcl cxpcrience — piirenLs commoniy nre tortured willt the idea that they musi hnvc bccn in some woy responslble. Comments by

frlcnds and relatiycs too óflcn unintcntionally add to^the__

mi sery. “

Contact with this Foundation nnd ołhcrs wiio can provlde thc facts can rcliccc such parcnls oF this misery.

Denr Dr. Thosteson: l'vc becn rcading about food comblnntionsrecently in order to fully utiiizc. digest :tnd

T-N Phones 733-0931

(Or U8C our toll-frce lincs)

6 fi mes-Nowi, 'Twln Faitsl lóóhó śundoy. Ódobćrvk‘.“l974

Your Good Health

asslmllate food. I mcnn.like protcin-acid eoinbinnltons.

Thisdocsn*tsccm tomen very natural way toeat.and a lot oF troublc to stop and think which food combinalion you are cating. I wouid Utlnk naturę wouid lakc carc of Utai when it fłltcrs out wastc from Ute nulrition part of food. — M.C.

Ouestłon: We own two Irish Setters. Sctlcrs havc always bccn "our brced” of dogs.

When we started with them there were vcry fcw. No there sccm to be morę und morc and we are curious to know if it*s Just our impression or are Uioy bccomlng morc popular. Do you have any figures on Utis or know whcrc we eon get thls Information?

Answer: Big dogs are thc "In" breeds this ycor. The American Kcnnel Gub'!* 1973 rcgistratlons show tf steady rise In thc Irish Setters* populnrity. In 1963,’ thc Irish Setter was 26th In thc popularity polis with 3,412 rcgistratlons. By 1068; il was in 14th place at 12,667 dogs registered. Today, the breed Is ln third place with


The poodlc ls- still Amcrico’5 favoritc, os it has bccn sińce 1960. There are 193,400 poodlc registrations. The German Sicphcrd • is holding its own in sccond with 90,907. The beoglc and dachshund wcrc both dropped a notch (to 4th ond 5th ploccs) by Ute Irish Setter.

Your Utinking iscntircly sound; it Isa mistakc to attach such importnnee tngoofy thcoricsthai wcmuat — or must not — ent ccrtoin combinatlons.of food to absorb them. Naturę does tnkc carc of that. *

Dear Dr. Tliostcson: I am 13 and sturted my periods Utrec months ago. Wouid łt be harmful lf 1 started uslng. tampons? Mymolhcrthlnks Iaiiinbloldcnough. — P.B.

No rcoson why you should not. If you are old cnoiigh to have periods you are old enough for thls typc of protcclion. Smali sizes are acailoblc. Tampons urc helpful particnlarly łf you are a swimmer or in athlctics.

(Cj Field Enterprises

rusty and uncomfortable trap. It won’t help thls tlmc, but for 'futurę rcfcrcncc and other buyers — pleasc, please follow the AKC (American Kennel aub*s) suggestlons.

The buyer of a dog supposcd to be reglsterable with AKC ls enUtled to rćcciye ' a . properly completed AKC-registraUon form. If the ; seiler docsn*t • havo the form, Uie buyer should get fuli IdentiflcaUon of Uie dog,' datę of blrth, registered namea of the óog’s sirc, dam, and name of thc breeder. * The _sta tement aho ultLbtalgn i by the seiler.

If the seiler can ’t provide one or .Uie other, DONT buy thc dog. And don*t ever glve money for papers that "are due-to antPe-in-a wcek or so." Invest in •confcdcrote poper Instead — thc value of paper ls rislng.

To sce if Uicre’5 anything you moy bo ablc to salvage on thls dog, I’d write to the American Kcnnel Club, Dept. Y, 51 Madison Avcnuc, Ncw York, N. Y. 10010. ____

• • • •


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