About the Agency
The Lodź Agency of Regional Development Ltd. was established on 29th November 1991, as a company for the support of micro, smali and medium enterprises by the development and implementation of programmes fmanced with European funds. Since 2001, the Agency has functioned as a Regional Financing Institution, responsible for the service and implementation of programmes used in the financing of investments in newtechnologies, specialist consulting services, trainingof employees and development of exports. The Company also operates as a provider of information, proinnovative and financial (loans, guarantees) services and services in winning funds from Operation Programme of Humań Capital, Regional Operational Programme and Operation Programme of lnnovati-ve Economy (unless acting as the Regional Financing Institution).
The Lodź Agency of Regional Development has the status of a big en-trepreneur and does not act for profit. Therefore, the Company acts as Business Environment Institution, supporting the economic development of the region.
Fields of Agency’s Activity
stment projects 2,5% per annum Tl from PLN 15.000
71 moneytocoverthecostsof inve-up to PLN 1.000.000
7\ up to PLN 500.000 7i fortradinggoods 71 attractingforeign investors 71 supporting exports and imports 7i promoting the Lodź province 7i moneyforthedevelopment 71 investmentgrants 7i export grants 71 developmentand
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