Engineering Chemistry Research, 52 (22), 7127-7144

186    Lida Simasatitkul, Amomchai Arpomwichanop and Rafiqul Gani, 2013, “Design methodology for bio-based processing: Biodiesel and fatty alcohol production”, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 57,48-62

187    Noor Asma Fazli Abdul Samad, Gurkan Sin, Krist V Gernaey, Rafiąul Gani, 2013, "Introducing Uncertainty Analysis of Nucleation and Crystal Growth Models in Process Analytical Technology (PAT) System Design of Crystallization Processes”, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 85, 911-929

188    Ravendra Singh, Andy Godfrey, Bjóm Gregertsen, Frans Muller, Krist V Gernaey, Rafiąul Gani, John M Woodley, 2013. “Systematic substrate adoption methodology (SAM) for futurę flexible, generic phannaceutical production processes”, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 58 ,


189    Alberto Quaglia, Alessandra Pennati, Milos Bogataj, Zdravko Kravanja, Gurkan Sin, Rafiąul Gani, 2013, "Industrial process water treatment and reuse: A framework for synthesis and design” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Journal, In Press, DOI: 10.1021 /ie401379j

190    Michele Mattei, Georgios Kontogeorgis, Rafiąul Gani, 2013, “Modeling of the Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) of Nonionic Surfactants with an Extended Group-Contribution Method”, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52 (34), pp. 12236-12246

191    Amol S Hukkeriker, Robert J Meier, Gurkan Sin, Rafiąul Gani, 2013, “A method to estimate the enthalpy of formation of organie compounds with Chemical accuracy”, Fluid Phase Eąuilibria, 348, 23-32

192    A Mosat, E Lueshen, M. Heitzig, C. Hall, A A Linninger, G. Sin, R. Gani, 2013, “First principles pharmacokinetic modeling - A quantitative study on Cycloporin”, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 54, 97-110

193    Rizwan, Muhammad; Lee, Jay H.; Gani, Rafiąul, 2013, “Optimal processing pathway for the production of biodiesel from microalgal biomass: A superstructure based approach”, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 58,305-314

194    Seyed S Mansouri, Muhammad I Ismail, Deenesh K. Babi, Lida Simasatitkul, Jakob K. Huusom and Rafiąul Gani, 2013, "Systematic Sustainable Process Design and Analysis of Biodiesel Processes", Processes, 1, pp. 167-202

195    Michele Mattei, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, Rafiąul Gani, 2014, “A Comprehensive Framework for Surfactant Selection and Design for Emulsion Based Chemical Product Design”, Fluid Phase Eąuilibria, 362, pp. 288-299

196    Larissa P.Cunico, Roberta Ceriani, Bent Sarup, John P. 0’Connell, Rafiąul Gani, 2014, “Data, analysis, modeling, and prediction of properties and phase eąuilibria for process design of edible oil and biodiesel Systems”, Fluid Phase Eąuilibria, 363, pp. 318-327

197    Nor A B Yunus; Krist V Gernaey; John M Woodley; Rafiąul Gani, 2014. ”A systematic methodology for design of tailor-made blended products”, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 66, pp. 201-213

198    Sawitree Kalakul, Pomthong Malakul, Kitipat Siemanond, Rafiąul Gani, 2014, “Integrated of Life Cycle Assessment Software with Tools for Economic and Sustainability Analyses and Process Simulation for Sustainable Process Design”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 71, pp. 98-109

199    Azizul A B Mustaffa, Rafiąul Gani, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, 2014, “Development and Analysis of the Original UNIFAC-CI Model for Prediction of Vapor-Liquid and Solid-Liąuid Eąuilibria”, Fluid Phase Eąuilibria, 366, pp. 24-44



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