Alexandra Fedorovna, and of ner mother, Ekatenna Kleinmikhel (the granddaughter of Karamzin)] [DK37.8.K56 A3 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Kolpakova, L. A. Nasilie v sem'e:    viktimologicheskii aspekt, voprosy

differentsiatsii otvestvennosti i zakonodate'noi tekhniki. Moskva: Iurilitinform, 2009. 195p. [Domestic relations, family violence, family law] [xxKLB4180.K65 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Kononova, Margarita Mikhailovna. Itafianskie otzvuki v tvorcheskoi sud'be Mariny Tsvetaevoi. SPb: ALETEIA, 2010. 421p. [PG3476.T75Z784 2010 Regenstein bookstacks]

Kowalsky, Sharon A. Deviant Women: Female Crime and Criminology in Revolutionary Russia, 1880-1930. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2009. 314p. [HV6046.K69 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Krylova, Anna. Soviet Women in Combat: A History of Violence on the Eastern Front. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 320p. [D764.K854 2010 Regenstein bookstacks]

Kudrina, Iu. V.: Mariia Fedorovna. Moskva: Molodaia gvardiia, 2009. 515p. (Zhizn' zamechatel'nykh liudei, 1197) [DK236.A2.K834 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Kunts, E. V. Prestupnost' sredi zhenshchin v sovremennoi Rossii. Moskva: Iurlitinform, 2009. 26 lp. [HV6046.K79 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Lavrent'ev, Aleksandr Nikolaevich. Varvara Stepanova. Moskva: RUsskii avangard, 2009. 249p. (Tvortsy avangarda) [N6999.S74L36 2009 Regenstein bookstacks]

Levkovich, V. P. Sotsial'no-psikhologicheskie problemy izucheniia supruzheskikh otnoshenii. Moskva: Moskovskii gumanitamyi universitet, 2008. 59p. [HQ728 .L725 2008 Regenstein bookstacks]

Mapping the Feminine: Russian Women and the Cultural Difference. Edited by Hildę Hoogenboom, Catharine Theimar Nepomnyashchy, Irina Reyfman. Bloomington, IN: Slavica, 2008. 357p. [HQ1665.15.M36 2008 Regenstein bookstacks]


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