organization of the Polish Army Corps - gen.S. put his L.C.S. and DJ£.0. et the disposal of Gen.Whiteley irmnediately. Gen.K.consented. He inetructed gen.Whiteley to cable gen. Alexander at once and to arrange for gen.S. to meet him in Italy. Gen.S. then asked whether it would he possible for him to visit the front on thie occasion.
Gen.Eisenhower replied that the only difficulty would be eccomodation, which is not easy at gen.A.*s HfQ,4 Howewer, he would have gen.S.*s reque*t included in the cable.
He then went on to say that in case he would use a Polish Inf J)iv. in adwance - tog ether with the Corps Command and Corps troops, he could not promise that the Polish Coamander would be givek a separate sector of the front, like those given to other Army Corps, to cemmand. At Present he had Ą-of such sectors under separate Army Corps commanders and he could not introduce morę.
There was, of course, the possibility of adding one div. from other troops to the Polish corps, thus giving the Polish commander the command of a fuli Army Corps, with his own sector of the front. That, howrver, he could not definitely promise.
The iwo generalB then agreed that both possibilities discuseed would be worked out by respectiwe staffs, then discussed with gen.Alexander and the appropriate decisions would be taken in due courae.
II. Gen.S. then told gen.E. that a Polish Coy of Commandos was at present at Algiers, awadting orders to go to action.
Gen.W. confirmed this Information, saying that they would be employed on operations within ct fev? weęks pending shipping.
They had ąlready their tura on the priori ty list for shipping. They were together with a Belgian Comioando Coy. Both coys were under the command of a British Itajor Luytens.
Gen.S. said he had inspected this commando coy in Britain. They were a very fine lot of men, highly praised by Lord Louis Mountbatten, on whose reąuest he agreed to send then to action. Ali they needed was direct experience in action. Gen.S.would be wery glad if his Commando troops would take part 4t first in a minor operation together with experienced British ractocfc or American troops. Gen.E.replied that it was his usual practice to employ fresh troops in