conjunction with morę seasoned troops. Gen.S.*s wish would, therefore, be satisfied.1
Gen.S.’s second reąuest with regard toAComuando was that when the Polish Corps goes into action in Italjr -the Coramando troop would join them and come under Polish Command. Gen.E, again streseed his principle to use national troops together and assured gen.S. that it would be done.
Of course one must reckon with the possibility of a necessity arising to use the Polish Commando troop for some independent action away from the reet of the Polish troops, the principle, however* would be maintained.
III. Gen.S. then informed gen.E. that there exieted newly frumed Polish detachments in Yougoslavia (fighting on the side of gen ^dichailovitch) and that similar units were being organ-ized in Greece and Albania. They were composed of Polish nationals who were in the German Anny and went over to the side of the Allies as soon as the opportunjfr* arose. Would gen.E. bear thie in mind, arti. in the futurę, v/hen conditions chan&e, facilitate and vxev; Yxvou *ably joinlng -.'liz main Tnd>
of the Polish troops. They would supply those reinforcements which we needed fjo bą&ly.
Gen.E. sald tliat tH.nu • r<=ve no./, tlios** p •,obl ..*3 c«i. c under gen.pir łiaitland Wilson. If, however, he hąd any in influence frn these matters in the futurę - he would certainly remeiiber favourably gen.S. *s recuest.
17 . Gen.S. then touched the subject of the Polish base for special operat i onal flights to Poland. This base was now being organized in Southern Italy, in order to sond by « ir to Poland aićiterial and men for the Secrct Army. Our great concern ;vc.s that this bx.se sbould work efficiently and that it rorl.d jraćiu.lly be appro ched to Polnnd - as the Allietf/ .7 net go es on. Gen, S. * s request to gen.ras '.Hat spocial operations to I-cland be treated with the same urgency as the needs of the Bałkan, French and other theatres.
Gen.E.’s reply was that these matters went beyond his competence. They were directet "-o. London. Ile also said that the base was being organized. Gen.W. said a representatiwe of the S.O.E., Lieut.Col.Dodds Parker, was here in gen.E.’s H.^. and would be willing to come and see gen.S. at his eon-