

III. Oen s. atnted thdre were Polish detochments flghting in XUG09LAVIA, CKutfHS ond ALBANIA. He hoped thrt when thc tira :*lvedf these troops would o orfie under Pol&Ah Gonnand to fUHliflh tho essential reiiiforcements reTuirer by the Polish Oorps. Oen iu stoted thot this wos 8 met ter for Gon HCLSON in M.& but ha would help as far ar ho oould in the futurę.

IV.    Po li oh 3.O.K. 3aso.

Oen 3f ntrenoed thc vitsl JUoportnnce of providing for the eorly and efficient orgsnization of the3e Bones, nrticulerly r^    ?ted Oon B* to- v© it every

aimlstanee in his power and nt least on e ruality wlth the Bnnes working for ERANOB and the BAŁKAN3.    Ocn S.

replied thin mstter wns beyond thin confcr- nce as these ' orgonizotlona were directed from LONDOtf, but thot Golonel DO PABKBR who 3 .oentod . • £. in this theatre* would see Gen 3# if he wished it. * Oen 9. acoeptod ond sald he hnd touohed on this subject on Boeo r/pp in Oen uf« thentre of One.



Oeu 9* n •    L500 surplus Po linii officers of v.hich

they hox>ed to nttooh a oortoin nuribor to flghting formationn and nsked Gen V to ntudy this m- r.

Gen V nnid he would propose the ąientian. to Gen AL . .A .i. i and neked hów long ettachraents wora re-ruired. Oen 8. rc -li od ;    - ' monter .    /W A<-    , .

*& /Wi*K    Us~    A# h +fU4*

Oen 8* thanked Gen fi» for help gifea to Polish '*-*,>**«. prisonera. British Minister strenoed thc exccllent work done by Oount CZAP3KI, Polish Connul General.

Oen 3* steted thot Polish IV . when seleeted in forwsrd rregg, v/ere the :    ul into same Gang) na German

instosd of being segregated. Gen a. stated thrt this W8« wrong ond he would look into the question» Oen 3. ouggeoted n Polish officer should be ottached to AFH ) to dosl v/ith thir^ tueotion. (Jen i. replied thot his HI was too for behiiid as.theac natters v/cre dealt with on the spot.

Gen V7. stated thrt there was a nub-coriiission dealing

rith this mat ter but did not knor /hethor there wna n

Polish repreeeutatlve.


VII. Oen 8. then saked whether he raight oe.id a personel L.O. to Oe:n si.    Oen S. agroed and sald he would be glnd to

have such e L.O.    •    /•?

- U


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