
Noras on jfiseting between

General SOSNKGWSKI and General ALEXANDER H* 15 Army Group - 10 Nov 45.



Copy No


General SC3NK0WSKI explained the Aifficultiee facing the formation of a POLISH Corps and A.F.H. suggestions regarding its organisation.

General ALEXANI)ER polnted out that it v/as essential to f ighting efficieney th; t the Infantry Diyision Ido organised on a three brigade b&sis. He fully realiscd the need for the employraent of a PÓLISłl Corps in the POLISII natlonal iiiterest. He suggested a fourth alternatiye organisation to tlioee put forward by A.F.i".*.

The POLISH Corps ehould ccnsist of an infantry diyision of three infantry brigades cnd an armoured division of an armoured brigade and an infantry brigade, both organisod on British war establish-mentsu In the event of sufficier.t reinforcemente not being available for the infantry division, it raight be necessary to take thern from the infantry of the armoured diyision, or to replace one of the infantry brigades in the infantry diyision by that from the armoured diyision. Owing to the lcaigth of tiiae which v.rould be tak en to build up the POLISII Corps in ITALY, such iue-ans of finding reinforcenents might never be Jiecessary. The delay in the build-up of the POLISH Corps v/as entirely duo to the limitations of transport from the MODLE KAST to ITALYo General SOSNKOWSKI stated that he would e>:amińe General ALK3CAI1DHR1 s suggestions with the Corps Ccamnander in MIDDLE AST and with General WILSON.

Hreneral ALEKANDSR agreed that the P0LI3H Corps should have n

I independent sector of the lino, and if possible, be employcd in the mountains, a task for which it had been specially trained.

General ALEKAiTHER agreed that 2ie would explore the possibility of attaching surplus POLISH officers to the Staff, fighting units and seryicos of British and American forces, and will oonsult Army Commanders on this subject.

General SOSNKOWSKI a.sked that the POLISII portion of the Allied Com ,ando be employed in the first instance in conjimction with British Commando troops.


Copy No. 1 j Lt.Col IOTOX - Por Gsneral SOSNKOWSKI.

3 A. F • H. <4*    *

4    Middle Kast - For General WILSON

5    Eighth Army

6    File


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