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Kinutes of conference between General DWIGKT D, EISENHOWER and General SC SITKOWSKI, at General Eisenhower*s Keadguarters, at Algiers, on Saturday, November 8th, 1943, from 10 to 11 a 41
Those present -
The American Ambassador,
The British Ambassador, liajor-General Whiteley,
Lieut. Pudakoweki (interpreter).
I. General Sosnkowski opened thę conwersation by s&ying that he was on his way to inspect his troops in the li.E., who, he beliewed, were soon going into action, He assured Gen .Eisenhower that they were very eager to fight.
Gen.E. replied that he knew the Poles were not only eager to fifeht, hut also "damned well knew how to fight".
Gen.S. informed Gen.E. that he had at his disposal in the M.E. one Army Corps of 2 Inf.I>ivs., each of 2 Bgds,
1 Arznoured Egde and a considerahle amount of A.rtllery, composed of 18 regiments (including Anti-Tank, A.A. and Diwieional Arty.) plus Corps troops. Gen.S.gave the total of Polish troops in the K.E. as approximately 60.000.
After the evacuation of Polish troops from Russia we deoided to organize an Army in the K.E., counting on further contingents tp come from Russia. After the break* ing off of ciplomating relations between Poland and Russia this# possibilit^a* ceased to exist, and therefore, facing realities, we were forced to organize our fighting units into an Army Corps.
Gen.E. asked what reinforcements did Gen.S. dispose of. Gen.S. - "Eirst and second reinforcements, according to British establishnents.
Gen.E. - "What per cent is it."
Gen.Whiteley - ,,Approximately 20 p.c."
Gen.E. etressed that this was not enough. it was against his principles to use a formation which v/ould