- 3 -

b YO. /

IV. Satrj óf the 2 Corco lnto action.

i/ At tho conforane© otn Nov. 20    1043 Gonarfil Alooea n,A©r occey>tod the following

prinoiple of ming the 2nd Palish 0 orjw in Italy.

o/ Tho Corp would tfo lato astlon as ono intogr&l whole after all ita unita hwe arrivad in Italy. Bofcre the cnmplet©

Corpo i. c >ae*ntrnted in Italy, its separate uilt’« would not be u ea, ejocept in case of urgent operational necd.

V Tho Corpo "woulu be uaeu within the Bth Arngr, in raountainoua regions, on the central saotot* of tho frant, o/ I oa, ©oiaUy as*od General Alexau**ier to give tli© Poliah Corpa a .separate seotor of th© front to hołd, aa I attoched partlouLar incorta ioe to this f&ctor,bofch frora the i-oiish aatiaaal point of vie . and with rogor-i to the morale of tho flghting troops. General Alozaider ropiied fcnat h*vln^ duo rogurd tu the morał rr,utivea .-.łłich 1 put forward,ho hed dooided to c miler th©

} oliah Poroś aa a Coras. aubordinated irectl. to th© Com nader Bth Arngr, a/id tiiat ho would givG the seooad Corpa an indepeadeal sector of thu linę.

ii/ I am ver, plep.aod that at o s ©onforence in London on Januer.) the 4th, l‘.*44, you hnve agreed to oaint&in the dęci a łona of General Eisenhower and General Alooeaade which I mentionod above»

V. roli uh Conraonóo Coy.

1/ I ©oked General Alearander tliat tho j oliah Cor.i >.ndo Co. - bo u :i©d ^.ocording to ite de-itination* At font ti i© tli© Coy, to ether with th© Belgi an Com.nndo Coy, had been u- o * for aoro tine for guard dutles at Algiero. I was therefore ver. ' £Lad to have re»eiveu -icwa from the Brigedier oowman- in : th© Gwmiando Bde tlmt the oliah Co;, haa b-an in .ctiai fr na Uio 15th .jog© iber onwards and that aooorćlng to th© report oi’ tliła "jritiah Co&raaoder it oarried out i ta taak woli, enpeotall In the action fou,^ht on tho ni.yit of dotłi - ulat .^2© ibor.

ii/ In n\ canveraaticoi wi th General Biaenhowor on Nov, 6th I aeked hin that our

Gom m.-o Coy be usod withLi ti-o Poliah 2 uorpn an oon a* it goe-i lnto oction. General Eisenhower exiire»ued l-ii « a.'vrao vnat.

1    shouli now lik© to ronu^ tHa roiuest. I underatand .voa ma. oooaaionally want to u?o th© Go,^:łfindo Coy for ao .ć action awa. from th© x olióh Corp.*, To thi-i I agree, aa I well ap>rooiat© tłi© naoeaaities uiiat a/kj aria©. I anly fli^k you to rftalntain the principl© toat tli© Poli.di Córa auo Go. bel on' to the

2    Corpa*

VI. Que«tion of tho "Southern b£«5©" for apeclal operationa to Polanu.

I welo 1® .Y«ir deoission to .jrant u; n aaj.arate "oaclay©" nonr Bari, in tłio yioinl.t;/ of an Air V rt, where our soutnem Ba^e ’or apeolal oporrtion:^ to


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