ńW, l/Lg


Sef. Mo. 5o/g;;../T J./44.

ho«..cn, 7th T^o rn/u*j, 1944.

Sty dear General,

•f łrring to om lott.er Ho. .0. VBł|/Gl450 o’ th«

11 -t January 1944 I have the henour to ii on . ou fch&t 1 fuli,; understand eactraar.An-Aty niicunutfi-^o s .-nich brc . ;ht aoout tho noco-c-it-’ o"1 e nrlopi . • the 3 Oarpathian .'ivis;on in aonrance.    X tcnow th."t t 4s i>ivi3ion ha alr*«J boan

©0^5 ;ed sn 1 a- l»łd that it can uo.s h:re t.-.e hardahlpa ani efforta of tne Ali i od ^orces.

I confi ont thefc - aooorJi t th- lottor of the Chiof of hc I rrerial Gener i itaff Ref. Mo JlG.i/3;

:o/’77’4 of the łit '.eptenber ani In rccor.cica lth the co*cIm $ipk+X% o4' n    o ifere «es * th General inenhower, General

Al'3*n Jer    r*oner 1 llftOtt - the 2 śollshCorp* will ^hort-

lj be -oncertreted a« on© inte*r*I w»«ole, holhiag an 1 -®-ftndent nector o1" the front ubor&ijaated ui/aotl;/ to tho G. ..G» G kraę,

Thi« i- o ' at ost i nr ort^nco to k fr-m tho nAtl.nal point of view. I woal lifce agnin to e phasl^o that It * uld >.i.V Inoroor.o the irit th>* flghtin'-: vniue «■ the . o-lłeh unita.

To u will also remember Łhat the 5th ?ivi?iicm haa ompleted it • tralala: vad thet both t Tllm.e; !mvg -uidejr-•■.ono -ł'«»ciaX troi ni g tn lountala-warf^ra, . nioh ia :iot «lth~ out v»lue in he robiona In whioh u.c i-olifth troo^s In It/aly aro bein • emplo; od.

Tours sincerely,

Major General J.M.r.e r.ed;,,!.^., .G. jiraotcr i ilitwty •'■ er “tlona War Office.


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