


General Sir Harold Alexander

I a:i very głed that the Polish troops have elready entered in linę sharing tha hardships and the battłes of their British and Allied Comrades-n.n-.Arns.


I would like to request you kindly to issus the neeessary orders so as to enab.le me to obtain through the pro per pritish channela oll news ooncorning the state of the orirar.isation, the operational situation of the polish troops, their combats and their losses. I feel surę that you fuLly appreoiate the morał and połitioai signifioance the3e news have for the Polish Government end for my co mitry.

A3 for the publication of sueh news, your wishes deriving from the necessity of keeping the operations aecret, will naturally be coupletely respected. I woulć also be most thankful if it were mado possible for Ca.pt. SMROrCOWSKI, 0.C. polish Coumando Truop and for General Anders, G. O.C. IT.Corps to send to me, w'th your knowlećge, regular fortnighty reports.

I am dispatching a siiiilar telegram to General

; ilson,

I woula like to expr©ss to you and your solaiers on behalf of the polish Armed poroes my warmest vdshes of greatest successes as well as rny foith in the victorious end of the present hard fight ing so admirably led by you.



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