f) V//. 1/^8c.

Ji irfield, 11th ovafcber, 1943.

Dear Sir Harold,

Ttamk you very jauch for your lot ter. 1 fully api;r©ci<\te the reaaona for widch it hna not biv©n poaoiblc for &e to see the front and I iiope to h»ve auother occasion on which I will be able to fxccopt your łcind propo&ol.

On le.tying your ioadoucirters i ahould lilce to tell you how pleaaed I cm\ to have had tłie opportunity of fiiectin& you personally• The ioliah troope will be proud to co iJito action under your coLi«uad.

I im very trateful to you for tJ«e fcind unueratoadinc you have ahown towurde tłie probl<aae I have diacussed with you# 1 łi-JA deeply satisfied with your prouiee to briric the entire ioliah Corpa to Italy in the Bhortest poeaiblc t£#*e    .eoeeiber 3rd, witliout splittinc it for any

lon&cy than eon ition8 of transport uboolutely recuire.


A* i

I atu very £lad we both agreed th&t our /onuy Corpa *auy be euooeaafully used in the ajount -inoua part of the front, owinc to the speclal trrining of our ord Carpathion Divi»ion for thie type of w<irfar©.

I im vdtso very thiunkful to you for your con^ent to attach a concsiderable mu.ber of ioliah surplus officera to British and A&arieon fightinc unita, wad also for agreelng to enable Our Couuando unit to cet gradu&lly sowsoned in bat tle, sicie by aide with experiesced mtiah or American CoŁi&an&o troops, at first in a minor operat i on.

General The Kon.


i&rold : .L.G .ileauider,

G •C*i5»f 0 .3.1., # .0 #,i ;#/?.,

G.O.C.-in-C., 15 Arujy Group.


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