Z18 i • Kr
ost secrot 25th May 1^44
Ko 4d5/GrN’../r j/44
!;j dear Sir Ala. ,
A8 you ars a?Jare, I wighed to to to Itnlian fro t at the bogi i g of May in order to shsre with tho soldiers of our 2—nd Oorps, the raot erts of thsir hard fightiag.
'Jur i g our last conversetio you couveyed to e the rcquost, uetwee;. ourselvos, to postpone ny depsrture for reaso s Y.hich yc i esnlained. I non mve tho honour to i i.fomi you that Ge eral Anders, i is telegram to *e, coisiders my resence as M,ioat denirnblo?. a d requesta me to go as soon as pcssibleo
I cc nsi-ler it i y duty to rospond to this roquest which, moreover, e itirely ccrrorponds with my earnest desire.
Ifeel surę that, as a scldier, you will fully anpreciate my po sit i on and, in co.iseąuenoe., i ake rc r dble iry cłeparture within tle ioxt few dnys.
Yours ai cerely
K. Soł i;ov/ski
Field iarshal Ala brocke G.l.B., D. .0.
J iief of the Imperial General Staff
Kr 5
L. d z. 514/Gh W't J /44.
Gen •Anders Dowódca II f-orousu
ioje ponowne stara la o uzyskanie zgody na wyjazd do Was c spotkały się z odrcv.iedzią odmowną.
Rozumiecie mój głęboki żołnierski ból. V*'t?zy«tkie oj© uczucia są z Wami.
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