/v/ n

It muld havo been Indeod a happy osoaaim for rae to rsnsw a 1'rlondahip bogim in Tobruk with that tam 'o gedlent defensor. Kixih to my r33rst,tłito will not be posslblo at prezent,as sęy ćuties aro still tooplns me ansy frocn bom&on.
I want you to knot* that the oor.Tpetant Britłah Authorltieo have been approacliod tbr ths purpose of obtainAng thsir oonsent to your aooeptanoo of the Polish Onter "Vtrtuti Ji JJdtBrŁ" ,whloh I rrould like to bo ster; upon juu In rooo jdtior. of your outatandlng ciualitios of cwur^^leaclorsMjł dlaplayod łn the mnorabl* defenoa of Tobruk.
Many thanka for IdLndly offbrin^; to taki our daapatoJies to the iiidćU* Kast. Sbaald ti«e opportunitjr axloe#wuld you please ea^ross my trk .gsoetings to the Polish troope ovoi- thara.
O iaA/?

Major General R.Scobie,C.3.M. ,M.O.
Deputy Ad jut ant ^neral, G.H.Q.
- -id/ile Kast.
Parni iam
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