Pflri ifc]

Marsh lat, 191.5.

Bear ltr« Coiapbell*

It ia a pleasure for rae to tharik you vory waroly for sendlns a oopy of the Uanlfesto isauod by tte BiatfwJpe ot Scotland and for all that ha3 ao Idndly been done to help oor ooJioe.

The Honifeato, cKpreaalrt* the truo .pirit of the Blahope of Scotl&nd, thoir unflinehing loyalty to ca*©'* ally and thoir oere for the welfare of tbejftall mtlons, will, in thoae d&ya uhea oll elaaentary nrinoipfes of Juatioe seera to fam been foraakon, oontributc to my belief that trath ond justioe ahn.ll oonguer In the and though the joth to viotory my be a very lonfi and diffiailt one*

At the seaae tliac I an farwardin& to you oaae of tho materiał you asfced for*

Belieire rae, dcar Kr* Cctfopboll,

Ycwrr? sinoerely

/T* Aroiaaewsky

John J« Can^bell, Esq*, 26-B fimflelA Street Glasgow, 0.2*


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