Marcin Scrot/uk

Report on ckamctericru.


(what probably hardly can bc donc) The Versaillcs Treaty placed the Fr^ City under the protcction of the Lcaguc of Nations (Art. 102). The detailed status of tbe City was latcr on established in the Polish -man Convcnlion signed on the 11°1 2 of Novcmbcr 1920 in Parts. 7^ Convcntion endowed Poland with ncccssary competencc to administer a certain group of the Frcc City affairs. Under the Convcmion Polna; was authorized to the conduct of the forcign rclations of the Free City, conduding international treatics, customs administration, postał śmie,' railways etc.

In the modern sense. Poland's partiapation in the crises administration has begun in 1953. by the contribution of personneł to a pcacckcepug mission in Korea. According to the agreement which was signed on 27 JU)j 1953 at Panmunjom. the Polish mili tary officers joincd two internatioatf commissions established to supcrvisc complianoc with the condilions of the ccase-firc agreement: the Ncutral National Supemsing Commission and th2 Ncutral National Repatriation Commission. Morę than 1000 Polish olTioen and NCOs havc sersed in thosc commissions.5

Poland was cspccially engaged in the followsng actions taken bj United Nations:

I) Missions in Asia

-    UNAMIC - United Nations Advancc Mission in Cambodia5 - Poland'i contribution has amounted to two officers.2

-    UNTAC - United Nations Transitional Authorily in Cambodia, wu a succcssor of UNAMIC.5 Polish contingcnt compriscd of a battalion of u cnginccring and provisions unit to the strength of 709 soldicrs. Polśj contingcnt was than cschangcd. the total partidpation amounted to 127? Polish soldicrs. Among the duties of Polish dctachmcnt wcrc the supply o( water, food and fud for opcrational units as wcll as servicing the ma

*    http://www.wpjml.Fl/6ia/t php?pige — 1010504D01.

’ l( wat cttablithai 2s a mioomiumg maniły of military Inuton officcn in order U hcśp ibe part>« of corJlict in Cnmbodu to addreu and rcvolvc any yiolibon2 or alkgd vx>lations of tke oeAtefirc that came into cflcct in Cambodia m 1991 IfNAMIC wa2 a prtf2 mocy miwaon and Uwo sutaumed by UNTAC.

‘ ChAmcloitsics of UN mission2 cotnc from UN w2b sile - wu-w un.org and ire eto quoUUon» from this iitc. Dcacripuons of OSCH misiions come from OSCP. w2b &


*    Tłu2 imtuon lutcd unc2 March IW liii 24 Septeroher 1993. UNTAC2 mandile mcfcdrf a spoci2 rdatmg (o hurr.an righti, the orguićrition And eoeduet of free ind fiir generał eJoak®2 miliury arraogcmc&U. dni administration. the nuintenincc of law and order, the rrpitralK2 and reteulaneat of the Cambodian refugeci ind displaced persona, and the rchabJitaiK2 cwenlia) Cambodian infratlructure during tbe t/inubonal period, www gmu cdu. dcpartnienttf2 po/roourcebk/inj wuon/untac html ^pot. Polish cnginccrs also repatred roads and bridges.6 Poland was also within UNTAC, in Military Liaison Team of 20 military liaison 0jflCcrs forracd from contfibuuons offered by 15 nations.

^ UNMOT - United Nations Missioo of Ob2ervcrs to Tajikistan’ Poland^ ^tribution has amounted to 30 persony2

UNGOMAP United Nations Good Officcs Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan was established on 15 May 19882 Poland assigncd to this mission coc military obscrver 2) Missions m Africa

UNTAG - United Nations Transition Assistancc Group in Namibia esuhlished in accordance with resolution 632 (1989) of 16 February 1989.'2 Poland participatcd in UNTAG in total quota of 373 soldicrs mcluding 20 in it.

- UNOM1L United Nations Obscrvcr Mission in Liberia.51 Poland was ftprearntcd in this mission by 3 observers.


www.wujdio pl/ohromegi,druJ.-101 Ao- Idu -OAj-en.

1 Ibe Misóco waa origjnally ctub&kcd by tbe United Nations Scomty Counol resolution W idopted on 16 Decem ber 1994. wtth i vi2w to atusting the Joint Cocimisiion, composed of representatifes of th< Tijik (iovcmma\t ind of the Tijifc opponiion. to monitor the jppkmcnUtion of tbe Agreement en i Tctnponry Ceosefire and the CeuiUon of Olber HoaiJc Actł co the Tajik Afghm Boeder ind within the Country. Iu uik wu alio to iovaiigi:e report2 of cciicfire vicfatior\i ard report on them to the United Nationt and to the Jctot Commiitioo. pfOvidc ita good o(Tkes ts stipulated m tbe Agreement. to muntain doić coourt ^ńth the pirbea to the conlbct, is wdl as dooc Luvon with the Mission of tbe OSCF. aoi with the Colkctive l2eacekeepag Forcet of the CommonweaJth of Independent States (OS) in Tajikisun and with the border focccs. providc support for the efforts of the SKttUry-GcneraJ'2 Spcoil Rnvo>-; and to provklc polibcal liaison and coorditation i2rvice&, which could faetlitatc eapc<htious huznarulaiian assislaiscc b) tbe intemationai conununily iywv.un.org'Depta DPKO,Miiuofi^umnot,'!)r.nuy.l .htm 1).

I    www.rczcrwn.toZpł/misje htm); www.skraponz.wintfm.pi/misiehun.


   lt2s purpose was to a^aist the Personal RqYCscnUbvc of the Socrctary<j€DcraJ to krnd ku good oflioes to the partie2 in msurmg the ireplementatłoo of the Agreeinenis on the Senkment of the Sttuation Rclatmg to AfghanitUn (the Gcne\a Aooordt) and m this cocteat l> hrcstigite and report povub!c \iolition« of any of the protissons of the Agrecmcoti. The ttandate of UNGOMAP ireiudcd the monitoring of: ncc inlcrfcrcnoe and noo-inlenentioo by ibe pwtiet in each olher's affairs; the whbdrawal of Sowiet troopt from Afghamstan; the mkinuiy return of refu gees. Having fulfiUed iu laskt, UNGOMAP ceased oper anons on 15 Mir eh 1990

“ UNTAG was cstablithcd to ass»t the SpeciaJ RcprcacntaU\2c of tfce Secretary Gcneral to «ve the tarły independenci of Namibia thiough free nad fair eiedions under tbe niperviuon «d control of the United Nations. UNTAG was aiso to help tbe SpocuJ Rcprese«)U(ive lo »n.re that: all h ml ile aeu wcrc ended. troopt ww cooflncd to baae. and. m the cate oł' ibe Afneans, Utirrutcly withdriwn from Namibia; all ditcrimmalory Uws werc repeaJed. potoical penoncrs w^crc rdenaed. Nimibian refugees wcrc pcrmiUod to return, mtimidation of •? was prevcntod. law and order werc imparnally maintajned

II    UNOMIL mam aun was to work with ECOMOG (The Economk Coomunity of West Afcetn Sutc?s (ECOWAS) Monśtonng Group (ECOMOG) in the implementation of the


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