164 Marcin Narol nik

Consequently also a question of goud governunce in International ad-ministration was not a subject of considcration

The most of the publjc sees Folish engagement in such actions as obwoa and thcrc is no spccial need for thcir justiłication. It conccrns first of al crises caused by natura! or cnvironmental disasters. In somc morę difficult cases however. tbcrc was a public and parliamentary debatę on Polub involvcmcnt.

Provisions of Polish domestic law as well as obligations imposed by treaties provide sufTicient legitimacy for the govermnent to lakę a dccisioi on such an involvcmcnt. The legał aspeets of such decisions havc so far om bccn pul uDder qucstion. The mntter broadly discusscd is usually the qucstion of financing of somc long-tcmi missions in areas touebed by political crises.

Somehow difTcrent issue seems to be the Folish partiapation in Iraq wu (we leave this issue asidc). The basis of the dccision by which the Fresidcot of tbc Rcpublic of Poland decided to send Polish soidiers to Iraq were disputablc, bul the dccision was viewed as political one and vital for Polud and the world pcacc. as well as the futurę coopcration with the USA.1

It must howcvcr bc notieed, that duc to the dispute on Folish par-licipation in Irag war, the Act on principlcs of usc and stay of Polni Armed Forces outside Poland was amended to cxcludc unilateral action net connectcd with Polish mcmbcrship in intcrnational organizations.

The political basis of the Polish involvement m intcrnational emu management could be found in "The National Security Stratcgy of the Rcpublic of Poland'* of 2003. It sccms that the stratcgy is in somc way the result of the political debate mentioned ahove.

According to this documcnt Poland will support the United Natiom opcralions aimed at solving regional conflicts and will, in particular, offer its dvilian. military and policc personnel tramed for the UN pcacckeepioj and stabilualion missions, thereby adding to the abundant traditions of Poland's pcacckccpmg role. As a sole legał basis of this kind of partidpatioa Stratcgy point* out Art. S of the North Atlantic Treaty.

Documcnt dcclares that Poland together with the NATO AJlies, wił participatc in combating the threats of intemational terrorism and other threats of tbc ncw typc and also will engage in support for the Alliancc'i sdcctivc engagement in out-of-arca stabiliration missions NATO also needi

krpt/K on choracuricM ..


to devclop capabditics in regard to cnsis responsc. civil cniergcncy planning, prfvcntion and combating of the conscquences of "asymmetric attacks" and the naturę of ncw nsks necessitate* coopcration between the armed forces iad civilian structurcs within the scope of responsc to non-military threats. ii well as in reseue and antiterrorist operations tn the homcland and outsidc tu borders.

The Stratcgy nouccs the responsibility vestcd in civil defenoe crisis management, spccial scrviccs. polioc. border guard. tire fighlcr service, reseue units and other spccialized agencies, inspection bodics and scrviccs.

The Security Stratcgy refers also to the role of armed forces. pointing out that its convcntional stalic form designed for territorial dcfcncc will be padually phased out in favour of advanced. mobile, highly spccializcd unils to comc up with and mainlain an espeditionary lorce capability for crisis-response and peacckccping operations in and out of Poland. conductcd uader the aegis of the NATO, the EU and the United Nations. The naturę of ncw risks ncccssitalcs the oooperation betwcen the armed forces and cńilian structurcs within the scope of response to non-military threats, as wdl as in reseue and antiterrorist operations in the homcland and outsidc its borders.

Gcncrally, it must be noliced that intcrnational admmistration of cnsis ireas is vicwcd as legitimate in Poland what directly results from Poland’s long term engagement in this kind of activity. as well as from political documents and opinions of doctnne. In other words. Poland's partiapation a tbcse missions is pcrcewed as ncedcd and its lega! basis is mainly dcduccd from provisions of the treaties to which Poland is a party.

As intcrnational adminislration of crisis arras was not a subject of the »idc debatę it is also impossible to point out that Poland is advocating any ttrictly defincd model of intemational administration or a system of chccks ind halanccs.


Tłic mibury iatcfvcnuon m lr*q wu justofkd iaur aha by \ną'% w»Uu<m of mte r i boruj ohhgabom. ibe u*c of f*e*eati%e idf-dcfeace. MCtmry rccauirc agunst imama, fight againwl non dcroocrabc diclalorthip and lbe proleeboo of human ngfcia. Thcsc baa« « criiicittd cg by W Czapliński. "Inicr^cncja w Iraku z portfelu widmu* prawa Cjęćif' narodowego" [lfUcx>mlłon tn lraq froci the Poiat of Vkwi of Intemaaooal l-awj, Patot*c i Pra»t> 20<M. No 1. p 18.


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