190 Zhtgnie w Kmieciak

mcans that ihcsc agcncics arc cntitlcd to issuc indivjdual administrativc acts crcating a legał situation of an individual.

The establishment of 49 «lf-govcrnmcnt appeal hoards in 1994 was an original achicvcracnt and they performed cxdusivcly administrdtive jurisdic-tion understood in this way.1 2 3 4 Appeals and complains arc submitted to thae agendes to carry out a rcvicw of individual administrutive acts which are issued by organs of the local *elfgovcrnment. Thu» they perform tbe second-instancc jurisdiction. The «lf-govemment appeal boards are tbe organs of the local levd.J Thcsc organs are comparcd with the Englisb administrativc tńbunals.5 However their status is still unclear and tbeir futurę is uncertain.6 7

The idea has bccn presented reccntly following the Solutions acceptcd in Australia to entrust them with responsibilities of the generał tribumls.If this dcniand can be achicvcd the sclf-govcrnmcnt appeal boards will be dcaling with appeals and complaints and parlly cascs settled by tcrritorial organs of govcrnmcnt administration.

The independent adnnnistrativc agcnc.cs indudc such organs as:

-    the General Inspcctor for Protcction of Pcrsonal Data;8

-    the Sccuritics Commission,1

-    the Commis&ion for Bank-Supcrvision;*


The Ridetnaking IWj of Independent Admlnitlrah** Atenries in Poland 191

-    the Council for Monetary Policy;10

-    the National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Tdcvision."

Only two of thesc organs have gcnuinc rulem aking po wers. Such a nar-iow definition of the rulcmaking powers of independent administrativc igendes was connccted with the fact of establishing the rule of the doscd ostem of the sourccs of law by the Conslilulion of the Rcpublic of Poland of 2"d April 1997 (hereinafter - the Constitution RP).15


According to the Art. 87 of the Constitution RP. the sourccs of univcr-nlly binding law in the Rcpublic Poland shall be:

-    the Constitution

-    statutes (acts)

-    ratificd intcrnational agreements and

-    ordinanccs (regulations).

Enactmcnts of local law issued by the operation of organs shall be a sourcc of univcrsally binding law of the Rcpublic of Poland in the temtory of the organ issuing such enactmcnts. The Constitution shall be supremę law of the Rcpublic of Poland. The provisions of the Constitution shall apply dircctly, unless the Constitution provides otherwise (Art. 8 of the Constitution RP). The parliamcnt is tbe organ that is ttlilled to pass taws. including the Coostitution and changcs to laws. The parliument consists of two chambcrs: the Polish Diet and the Senate. In socordancc with the Art. 91 of the Constitution RP. aflcr protnulgation thercof in the Journal of Laws of the Rcpublic of Poland. a ratificd intcrnational agreement shall constitutc part of the domestie legał order ind shall bc applied dircctly, unlcss its appłication depends on the cnacł-ment of a statutc.

An intemational agreement ratificd upon pńor conscni granted by the tUtute shall have preccdcnoc ovcr statutes if such an agreement cannot be recondled with the provisions of such statutes. If an agreement. ratificd by the Rcpublic of Poland, establishing an intcrnational organisation so provi-des. tbe laws established by it shall bc applied dircctly and have preccdcnoc ia the cvcnt of a confiict of laws.

" The Act of 29 Augutf 1997 - Banking Law and the Act of 29 Augoti 1997 on NaOonal fcnk of Potami. J. of L. 2005. No. I. tan 2.

‘ The Act of 29 Docctsbcr 1992 on radiophcec and tcicvisic«. I. of L. 200*. No. 253. fletr. 2531. with «jbaeq-jcct cfaangea. u J of l_ 1997. No. 78. itan *83.


*    Tbe Act of 12 Octobcr 1994 on teJf-governsicnt appeal boardt. J. of L. 2002. No 19,


tern 856. with *ub>oqi>cnt cfcacgc*.


1 Set: /_ K m ieciak, Ustawa o samorządówych kolegiach odwoławczych z komentarz*w oraz akty wykonawcze [The Ac* on Self-Gcwenmcnl AppejJ Boanl* with tbe Cccnmer.Ury tiki the Adi of Dckgaled law), Wirwa 1995; Cł Martysz, WTaictwaić organów samorząd* terytorialnego w postępowaniu administracyjnym [The Competcncc of Local G ornament Orgim in Admmutralivc Procedurę], Katowice 2000. pp 197-215. and A. Korzeniowska, to stępowanie przed samorządowym kolegium odwoławczym plu: Procceding before tbe SdfGo-vemment Appeal Board|. Zakamyerc 2002.


*    A. Car roli. ConsSiturkmaJ and Admmistrautt Law, l.ongman 2002, pp. 495-501

*    Ser J. Bork owak ł, "Samorządowe kofcgu odwoławcze" pTbe Sdf-Govcrmnent Appe* Boards], m: Rozprawy prawnicze. Księga pamiątkowa dia uczczenia procy naukowej Profesjo Antoniego Agoprzo wicia [The lawyer DiterUtion* Roli of Honour of Profesor Abłob Agopizowicz], «d. R. Miłosz. Prace Nmkowe Uniwersytetu Sląskirąo filie Dwertationi of Siletian UnJvcrut>j 2000, No 1870. pp. 17-26. and & Kmieciak. "Koncepcja Mczaleincp? organu kontroli w postępowaniu admmittracyjn>mM [The Cooocptioc of the Independent Review Organ in Admimitrathe ProcodurcL Ptuistwo i Prawo fTbe Sute and the Law) 2001, No. Ut pp 31-37.


Soc cspcctalJy H. Katzen, R. Douglas, Adminiszratire Law, BuUcrworth* 1999, p. 13 and folłowmg. and S. Street*. Administratur Imw, Butterworths 2000, pp. 101-105.


T The Act of 29 Augua 1997 on procection of pcrsonal data, j. of L. 2002. No. 101, itan 926. with subwjucnt changcs.


1 The Act of 21 August 1997 - Law on Pubbc Trading sn Sccuritics. J. of L. 2003, No 49, itesn 444, with subsoquciU ckanges


1 The Ac* of 29 Augutf 1997 Banking Uw, J. of L. 2002, No. 72, itcin 665. wttk subwquent changci.


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