direct H2 producńon frcm rer>ewabbs; de-carbcnised H2 society
Increasing de-carborisabon of H2 prodocfon: renewabtes, fossil foeł with seąuestraticn. new nuciear
Widespread H2 pipeftne infrastnjctura
lnterccrr»ec:icn of Icca H2 dis:ribc:ion gńds; signifrcant H2 producc on frcm renewabtes. ind
Biomass gasrficaticr
H2 proćcced from fossil fuels with C sequestrat>on Clusters of boa H2 disTbcton grids:
Local clusters of Hj fitfing stations Hj transport by road. and local R2 produdion a! refuell ng stafion (reforming and electrclysis)
H2 produoed by refomrng naturaJ gas and elecirdysis
Fos. cells t©:cme dominant
H2 use ir av ation;
techrdogy in transport, n distributed power gene^aton, anć n micro-applic3tons
Fossil fuel-based economy
rńche oommercial {<50fcW)
H* pńme fue’ choice fcr FC vehicles Sigrrficant growlh in distributed pov^ geoeration with substarta* penetraticn of FCs 2** generaticn on-board stcrage (long-range)
Lowcost ngh temperatura frieł c* Systems;
-Cs commercaal in nfrcfo^applications FC vehic es competit<ve for passerger cars SOFC syslems atmospheric and hybnd oommercial (<10łS/TW)
First H2 fleets (1* gereration H2 storage)
•j q Senes prcduction of FC venic es for f eets (direct H2 3nd on-ocarc reforming) 3nd ctter transport (boats): FC for aaxiliary power ir*ts(ind. reformer' Stabonary la// temperatura fue* oei Systems (PEM) (<300kW)
Sratbnar/ Ngh-temperature fueł cets systems (MCFOSOFC) (<500kW}:
H2 ICEdevełcped; Demonstratbn fleets of FC-buses
temperatura fuet celi systems fcr ^
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