Tablc I
Enerjj} Output per 1’ound of “Fucl" Consumed for Batterie* and Fld Cells C omparcd (o Convcntional llydrocarbonfuelcd Fnj*ine\
Air Brcathers': Comrentional Engine* (Efticiency 2^ 33%) |
wau-hours per lb. fucl |
Jet fuel (kcroscnc) |
2,000 |
Hydrogcn |
5.000 |
Buliehes A Fuel Cells (Efticiency 67%) | |
Hydrogcn |
10.000 |
** Bcryllium |
4.750 |
Aluminum |
2,150 |
watt-hours per Ib. fucl
Sclf-Contained: Conventional Engine* (Efticiency ^ 33%) |
+ oxvgcn |
Jcl fucl and Onygcn |
500 |
Hydrogcn and Oxygcn |
560 |
Batieries dc. Fuel Cells (Efticiency ^ 67%) | |
Hydrogcn and Oxygcn |
1,120 |
Bcryllium and Oxygcn |
1,700 |
Aluminum and Oxygen |
1.140 |
Lithium and Fluorinc |
1.670 |
’ Notc thatfor o ve hicie to be rechurgeable in apace. it muit not diicunl uied fuel. This mcans tkat an airbrcothinę \ehicie gels heavicr tluring operntion. hhlch seenu like u diukhantage But perhaps the fupply of ox)‘gcn brought back
to the mother ship i.t wtlcomed