Tablc I
Energy Output per 1’ourtd of *FueF* ConMjmed for Bdtcrie* and Fud Cdi* C omparcd (o Cooventional Hydrocarbon-fueled Engine*
Air Breałbers1: ContentionalEngine* (Efticiency
Jet fud (kerosene) Hydrogen
BuUeries dc Fud Cells (Efticiency Hydrogen * Beryllium
wau-hours =* 33%) per Ib fud 2,000
~ 67%)
10.000 4.750 2.150
Sdf-Contnined: Conventional Engine* (Efticiency ^ 33%) + oxygen
Ran er i es A Fud Cells (Efticiency ^ 67%)
wau-hours per Ib. fud
1 Notc that for t) vchicie to be rcchuręcaNc in spocę. it nrnu not discurd uwd fud. This meuns th<u an air-breathing vehide gets htun icr thtring operation. which seems like a distuFantagr Rut perhaps tht suppfy of oxvgen hrouąht bttek
to the nunher ship is wtlcomeii