We use this formula to fine the number of cells reąuired for Stavanger and Sandnes
„ „ \ 43.4 km2 1
CellSstavanger — ^ 264 k ^ — — ce^
CsilSSandnes ~ n n . o = — ^dls
| 3.850 km^ |
For the highway the celi radius can be much larger sińce it will not be completely surrounded by other cells. Seeing as the longest distance the GSM specification supports in practical use is 35 km and our highway is 10.7 km we can just use one single celi for the entire stretch of road.
Cdllsfiighyjay = 1. celi
3.6 Eąuipment
The minimum number of BTSs needed is
TotalCells = 14 + 6 + 1 = 21 cells/BTSs
Each BTS can only handle 69.08 Erlangs and the total celi traffic is
CellTraf fic = 3 x TSdty = 3 x 16.959 = 50.877 Erlangs
so we do not need to increase the number of BTSs.
The UltraWAVE BSC can connect 31 BTSs, which should be enough, but it has a traffic limitation of only 466 Erlangs. The total traffic intensity is
TotalTraf fic = TotalCells x CellTraf fic = 21 x 50.877 = 1068 Erlangs
| 466 I
which is morę than a single BSC can handle. We find the number of BSCs we need by
: 3 BSCs
TotalTraf fic 1
Traf ficLimit
One UltraWAYE X100 MSC can handle 256 BSCs and 2 500 Erlangs which should be morę than enough for our purpose. Using the population numbers, annual growth, market penetration and market share we find that our total number of subscribers will be about 25 000 at the end of year 4. This is well within the limits of the UltraWAYE X100 HLR.
Given the cost of each piece of eąuipment from Table 2 on page 4 we calculate the total cost
TotalCost = 21 x 400 000 + 3 x 1 800 000 +1 x 4 500 000 = 18 300 000 NOK