PHYSICAL REYIEW B 84, 085327 (2011)

Decoherence-assisted initialization of a resident hole spin polarization in a /?-doped

semiconductor quantum well

M. Kugler,1 K. Korzekwa,2 P. Machnikowski,2’" C. Gradl,1 S. Furthmeier,1 M. Griesbeck,1 M. Hirmer,1 D. Schuh,1

W. Wegscheider,3 T. Kuhn,4 C. Schiiller,1 and T. Kom1’*

1 Institut fur Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik, Universitat Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany 2Institute ofPhysics, Wrocław University of Technology, PL-50-370 Wrocław, Po land 3Solid State Physics Laboratory, ETH Zurich, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland 4Institut fur Festkórpertheorie, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitdt, D-48149 Munster, Germany


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