Pronunclatlon:    maa^-h

Reoord:    ZM-40591 “Tańce ludowe z Polski - Volume 1" (Folk Dances from

Po and), side A, band 5; ava labie from Ada Dziewanowska.

Mach ls a couple dance ln 2/4 time from the dlstrict of Krzczonów ln Lublin region, ln eastern Poland. The name aerlves fron the verb “machać" -to swing, to sway or to wave. The dance has 2 parte and the tune le composed of 2 meloaies: a 12-meas melody A, and a 24-meas melody B. Melody A is slow, almo6t solemn, and can be accompanied by singing (for text of the song 6ee below). Melody B has 3 parte of 8 meas each. Each part is played ln a faster tempo than the preceding one. The tempo becomes very fast and maybe that is why the dance ls also called "wlater" - the wind. We can see some Eyelorussis influence ln the style of the dance, for lnstance, the abrupt change of direc-tion of the walklng couple. Orlglnally mach was done at weddings ln line6 of couples lea by a "wodzirej" (M of the Ist couple of each linę), moving ln any dlrectlon chosen by him. It was also done as a 6how-off dance of one or two couple6 (bride and groom, master of ceremonies and his partner, best man and brldesmald). The rest of the guests would then participate ln the dance by singing, whistling, uttering shouts llke "heej," "eech,“ "uuch," "uch, uch," or "uha," and also by clapping their hands, whlch was done ln a characteristlc way:    both hands were ln front, palms faclng the ceiling; moving up and over,

the rlght hand emphatically clapped the left hand on the left slde of the body then the movenent was reversed. Durlng the fastest part only the rlght hand clapped the left hand and the onlookers stooped down as if to see the dancers bet ter. They stood up at the end, the dancing couple6 stopped abruptly, and stretchlng their outside arms up all shouted "mach!"


Pollsh text(ln "gwara"-peasant dlalect) Tańcuj macha, dom ci piróg,

Tańcuj macha, dom ci dwa. iJednygo mi mama dała,

Drugigom se uplkła.:


Taeen-tsooy mah-hąh d'o.hm chee pee-roog taeen-tsooy mah-hah dohm chee dvah :y eh-dnih-goh raee raah-mah dah-wah droo-guee-gohm seh oo-pee-kwah.:


Dance the mach and I111 glve you a dumpling,

Dance the mach and 1*11 give you two.

One my mother gave me,

The other one I baked myself.


Walklng step; Cpl Join hands ln skater*s pos, wlth inside ft step fwd wlth an accent, outside ft remalns ln the back, toes touching floor, knees stralght, and turn head to    \

side away from ptr (ct 1); thru6t stralght outside leg fwd    \

slightly above floor, abruptly bending knee of the Inside

leg, and nod wlth head (ct &); repeat action of ct 1&    —    —    -

wlth opp ftwk, head movement and dlrectlon (ct 2&).

Change of dlrectlon 6tep. used to end the phrase:    Step wlth inside ft

(ct 1); hołd (ct &); bending knee of outside leg pivot on inside ft twd ptr to face opp dlrectlon, stralghten and thrust fwd outside leg, toes Just touching the floor, whlch now becomes the Inside leg (ct 2); hołd (ct &)• Throughout these eteps torso ls erect, and movements are done ln a very emphatlc fashion.



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