Pronunclatlon: TRO-y ahk
Record: ZM-40591 “Tańce ludowe z Polski" ✓'tFolk Dances From Poland), side B band 5, available from Ada Dziewanowska; also DR-8310. For a chlldren'8 verslon eee Ada's "Bawmy się" (Let*s Play) booklet.
Tble 18 a dance for three from the coal minlng dlstrict of Śląsk (Silesia) ln South-Western Poland. The story goes that this danoe was create as there were fewer men than women, due to accidents ln the mines. It is ver popular all over Poland and new figuree are constantly belng added. The melody has two parta: "A" (slow 3/4 time) and "B" (fast 2/4 time).
Startlng posltlon: Man stande between two women, holding thelr inslde
hand8; women hołd thelr skirts wlth thelr outside hands. Trlos raay stand one behind the other ln one or two columns or ln a checkerboard pattern about the floor, or ln a clrole facing the center or LOD.
1-4 Four measures of lntroductlon; man invltes women to dance.
FIGURĘ I (Melody A)*
1 Ali step Rft on bent knee diagonally to R (ct ].); swing L leg across li
front and rise onto bali of Rft (ct 2); come down (ct 3).
2 Same pattern as Meas. 1 witn opposite footwork and direction.
3-14 Repeat pattern of Meas. 1-2 six morę tlmes, except on Meas. 4,8,and 12 man does 3 stamps (LRL - cts 1,<Ł,2; hołd ct 3) instead of step-swlng,
15 Wlth a nod of the head man and R-woman bow to each other.
16 Man and L-woman bow to each other.
FIGURĘ II (Melody B)
I- 3 Man claps hands, hooks L elbows wlth R-woman and wlth 6 steps beginnin*
Lft does two fuli turns ith her; meanwhlle the L-woman twirls by herself CW, olapping her hands (8 even claps).
4 All do 3 stamps ln place ln origlnal posltlon. (NOTĘ: Throughout the
dance, theee 3 stamps should serve to momentarily place the dancers ln "order," i.e., ln origlnal posltlon.)
5-8 Same pattern as Meas. 1-4 wlth opposite footwork and direction, man dancing wlth L-woman, R-clbows linked, etc; R-woman twirls CCW.
9-16 Same pattern as Meas. 1-8.
Man agaln holding women1s inslde hands as ln Figurę I.
1 All step-swlng to R.
2 All step-swlng to L.
3 Step fwd on Rft (ct 1); close L to R, no wt (ct 2); hołd (ct 3).
4 Same aotion as Meas. 3 wlth opposite footwork.
5-7 Wlth 3 waltz-like stepe, trio makes a fuli turn CCW; M looks at R-woman
8 Three stamps ln place (LRL).
9-10 Same as Meas. 1-2.
II- 12 Same footwork as Meas. 3-4, but moving backward,
13-15 Same as Meas. 5-7, but turnlng CW; M looks at L-woman.
16 Three stamps ln place (LRL).
FIGURĘ IV (Melody B)
1-2 Man twirls both women lnto "cuddle-up" posltlon (women take 3 steps and a hołd).
3-4 Women, ith 2 steps and 3 stamps, twirl out to origlnal positions.
5-16 Same pattern as Meas. 1-4 of this Figurę, repeated three morę tlmes.