Pronunclation; ohd BOOCH-kah doh BęOCH-kah
Record: DR-7167 and RPC-713 "Tańce Śląskie” (Sllesian Dances), side A, band 2, availabie from Ada Dziewanowska.
Thls is a couple dance in 3/4 time from Upper Silesia in south-western Poland. It was done during weddlngs and ls romantic and a little sad. In olden tlmes dancers would slng while dancing it. The title comes from the flrst linę of the song (see last page), whlch says: "From one beech tree to the next leaf by leaf; tell me, Johnny, about the wreath, about the green wreath plaited by your girl." The wreath, often part of an unmarried girl1 s costume, appears very often in Pollsh folklore. "She lost her wreath," may also mean "she lost her virginity." At the end of a wedding there was a ceremony called the "oczepiny" (word derives from the noun czepiec - cap, bonnet), during which the married women took off the briaal wreath from the bride* s head and replaced it wlth a bonnet — symbol that she now belonged to the society of married women. Thls was usually accompanied by special songs and deep sobbing of the bride.
In the following stanzas of the song the bride asks her husband whether he will be klnd to her. But he answers, as lf warnlng her that married life ls not easy that she will not have to carry water from the well too often, as she will have plenty of it in her own eyes.
Startlng Posltlon: Cpls in a clrcle, M facing LOD, W facing him, hands on
own hlps, flngers fwd, thumbs back.
, W move wlth rs end by , arms rounded,