Sweden 130


Data from geotechnical 1nvestigat1ons are in Sweden stored by var1ous government and municipal agendes and by consultants and contractors. It 1s often very t1me consuming to retrieve pertinent geotechnical Information for a particular area from these flles. In order to approve the ret-r1eva1 of geotechnical data countrles 11ke United States, Canada, France have developed systems for the coilection, storage and retr1eval of geotechnical data.

Lundln et al (1973) has 1n Sweden 1nvest1gated the posslbillty to develop central geotechnical soli data banks. The goal of such a data retrie-val system 1s the systematlc coilection and presentation of results from soundlngs and borings. Technlcal Solutions are presented In the report foranalogue-dlgltal convert1on of field data and for automatlc plottlng of the results. The costs for a dator based system increase 1n pro-portion to the volume of data stored and to the completeness of the Information requ1red. For prellmlnary 1nvest1gat1ons, for example, refe-rences to where the complete geotechnical Information can be found 1s requ1red.

The proposed geotechnical storage and retr1eval system 1s based on so called time^sharing and dlr§ęt_mernory_technigue. The dTaTSgue~technique vTa"termłńaTs“and“a’spec1al command language makes 1t posslble to search data select1vely as Indlcated in Fig. 23. The proposed system re-

quires a central unit wlth a 32 K word core memo-ry and a disc storage for 30 ml 1T1 on characters 1n additlon to peripheral equ1pment and terminals.

The total cost for the system has been estimated to approx1mately 1,500,000 Sw. Cr.


At the ZUrich Conference in 1953 Mr Van der Veen pointed out that there was a need for standardi-zation of sounding methods. In 1957 the London Conference appolnted an International commlttee on penetratlon testing with the main task to standardize the statlc and dynamie sounding methods. This corrmittee, whlch had one Swedlsh member, exis-ted until the Montreal Conference 1n 1965. Since then a European commlttee on penetration testing has been formed. The chalrman of the European Committee is Dr Heinz Zweck and Sweden has at pre-sent one member in this committee.

Formal cooperation within the Scandinavian countrles on penetration testing was inltiated at a Scandinavian meetlng on penetration testing in Stockholm October 5-6, 1967. A second meeting was held 1n Helsinki May 5-6, 1971. Reports have been publlshed from these meetings.Ą scandl-navian work grouę_for penetration^testing was

formed Tn T9bS”witfi’tfie'’purpose”to’3eveTop common Scandinavian standards on penetration testing and to keep continuous contacts between the $candinavian countries. The work of this group has so far resulted in a common Scandinav1an








Proposed central geotechnical data bank. Flow chart and technlcal procedurę.


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