Chapter 4 Fuel and lubrication systems 99

1 Always perform service procedures in a well-ventilated area to jrevent a build-up of fumes.

! Never work in a building containing a gas appliance with a pilot light, orany other form of naked flame. Ensure that there are no naked light iulbs or any sources of flame or sparks nearby.

J Do not smoke (or allow anyone else to smoke) while in the vicinity of jasoline (petrol) or of components containing gasoline (petrol). temember the possible presence of vapor from these sources and me well elear before smoking.

i Check all electrical equipment belonging to the house, garage or wrkshop where work is being undertaken (see the Safety first! section ifthis manuał). Remember that certain electrical appliances such as Mis, cutters, etc, create sparks in the normal course of operation and must not be used near gasoline (petrol) or any component containing it. Again, remember the possible presence of gasoline (petrol) fumes before using electrical equipment.

5 Always mop up any spilt fuel and safely dispose of the shop towel or rag used.

j Any stored gasoline (petrol), or any drained off during servicing iiork, must be kept in sealed containers that are suitable for holding jasoline (petrol), and clearly marked as such; the containers themselves Muld be kept in a safe place. Notę that this last point applies equa!ly to iiefuel tank if removed from the machinę; also remember to keep its filier cap closed at all times.

? The fuel system consists of the fuel tank, with its filier cap and slated vent pipes, the fuel pump (where applicable) and filters. Notę that on California models, this includes the Evaporative Emission Control System components.

3 Read the Safety first! section of this manuał carefully before starting


i Owners of machines used in the US, particulariy California, should ■ote that their machines must comply at all times with Federal or State egislation governing the permissible levels of noise and of pollutants such as unburnt hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide etc, that can be emitted by those machines. All vehicles offered for sale must comply with legislation in force at the datę of manufacture and must not subsequently be altered in any way whicn will affect their emission of noise or of pollutants.

10 In practice, this means that adjustments may not be madę to any part of the fuel, ignition or exhaust systems by anyone who is not authorized or mechanically qualified to do so, or who does not have the tools, equipment and data necessary to properiy carry out the task. Also if any part of these systems is to be renewed it must be replaced only by the genuine Honda components or by components which are approved under the relevant legislation, and the machinę must never be used with any part of these systems removed, modified or damaged.

4 Fuel tank: removal, inspection and installation

Refer to photos 4.2a, 4.2b, 4.4a, 4.4b, 4.4c, 4.4d and Figs. 4.1 and 4. 2. Warning: Gasoline ipetroi) is extreme/y flammaole, especia/ly when in the form of vapour. Take all precautions to prevent the risk of fire and read through Section 3 of this Chapter and the Safety first! Section of this Manuał before carrying out the foiiowing operation.

Notę; For Information on the fuel pump and fuel gauge sender, refer to Chapter 8.

1    Remove both right and left sidepaneis and seat, and turn the fuel petcock (tap) to the OFF position.

2    On 600 models disconnect the fuei pipę from the petcock (tap) and remove the tank's front and rear mounting bolts. Lift the fuel tank away from the machinę, noting that on Caiifornia models it will be necessary to disconnect the charcoal canister hose from the underside of the tank.

1 Fuei tank l Filier cap

: Front mounting boit i Washer

i Mounting rubber i Collar

7    Grommet

8    Mounting rubbers

9    Rear mounting boit

10    Washer

11    Mounting rubber

12    Collar

13    Petcock (fuei tap)

14    Fiiter

15    O-ring

16    Contro! knob

17    Screw

18    Petcock to fiiter pipe

19    Fiiter housmg

20    Fuei fiiter

21    Fiiter to pump pipę

22    Fuei pump

23    Pump ho!der

24    Pump (o carburetor pipę


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